
1.0.0 Created the Module
1.0.1 Added prompt for staging folder
1.0.2 Added parameter for output path
1.0.3 Added missing component
1.0.4 Corrected Start-Transcode outpath parameter
1.1.5 Added ffmpeg.exe and ffprobe.exe to remove need to already have them in path
1.1.6 Updated module intro and added show commands function
1.1.7 Added transcode switch to burn-subtitiles and changed movie parameter to video
1.1.8 Updated the Module intro
1.2.8 Added Parameter Validation
1.2.9 Resolved path for get-tips file
1.2.10 Added a Change Log
1.2.11 Exported Functions to the Manifest
2.2.11 Split Functions into individual files
2.2.12 Added Get-Elevation private function
2.2.13 Added Parameter help
2.2.14 Added Tags and Links
2.2.15 Update Get-IntroFFtools
2.2.16 Fixed function typo
2.2.18 Setup Github and updated Manifest PSData Moving to proper version control