
# Description
    This resource is used to configure File Screen Templates in File Server
    Resource Manager.
    Key - String
    The unique name for this FSRM File Screen Template.
.PARAMETER Description
    Write - String
    An optional description for this FSRM File Screen Template.
    Write - String
    Allowed values: Present, Absent
    Specifies whether the FSRM File Screen Template should exist.
    Write - Boolean
    Boolean setting that controls if server should fail any I/O operations if the File Screen is violated.
.PARAMETER IncludeGroup
    Write - String
    An array of File Groups to include in this File Screen.

        This configuration will create an Active FSRM File Screen Template called 'Block Some Files',
        with three include groups. An e-mail and event action is bound to the File Screen Template.

Configuration Example
        $NodeName = 'localhost'

    Import-DscResource -Module FSRMDsc

    Node $NodeName
        FSRMFileScreenTemplate FileScreenSomeFiles
            Name = 'Block Some Files'
            Description = 'File Screen for Blocking Some Files'
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Active = $true
            IncludeGroup = 'Audio and Video Files', 'Executable Files', 'Backup Files'
        } # End of FSRMFileScreenTemplate Resource

        FSRMFileScreenTemplateAction FileScreenSomeFilesEmail
            Name = 'Block Some Files'
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Type = 'Email'
            Subject = 'Unauthorized file matching [Violated File Group] file group detected'
            Body = 'The system detected that user [Source Io Owner] attempted to save [Source File Path] on [File Screen Path] on server [Server]. This file matches the [Violated File Group] file group which is not permitted on the system.'
            MailBCC = ''
            MailCC = 'fileserveradmins@contoso.com'
            MailTo = '[Source Io Owner Email]'
            DependsOn = "[FSRMFileScreenTemplate]FileScreenSomeFiles"
        } # End of FSRMFileScreenTemplateAction Resource

        FSRMFileScreenTemplateAction FileScreenSomeFilesEvent
            Name = 'Block Some Files'
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Type = 'Event'
            Body = 'The system detected that user [Source Io Owner] attempted to save [Source File Path] on [File Screen Path] on server [Server]. This file matches the [Violated File Group] file group which is not permitted on the system.'
            EventType = 'Warning'
            DependsOn = "[FSRMFileScreenTemplate]FileScreenSomeFiles"
        } # End of FSRMFileScreenTemplateAction Resource
    } # End of Node
} # End of Configuration