
    Explains how the FactorioProfiles module can be used to manage multiple
    Factorio profiles.
 == This module manages multiple Factorio profiles. A Factorio profile can be
    described as a set of configuration files, mods, saves, and other items
    which the game loads in at runtime, and which contain user-created content.
    An example use of this module would be to have a separate profile for
    'vanilla', 'a multiplayer game with certain mods', and a 'modded save'.
    These three profiles can share the config file, so that the keybinds and
    game settings remain the same across all profiles. However, they have
    separate mod and save folders since the profiles are incompatible with
    each other.
 == This module has custom-defined formatting outputs for:
        ------- -----
        Cmdlet Alias
        ------- -----
        Format-List fl
        Format-Table ft
        Format-Custom fc
        Format-Wide fw
    The 'Format-Custom' & 'Format-List' views contain the largest amount
    of information regarding the symlink.
 == The module has the following default settings
    New profiles default being created at:
    New profiles don't share anything globally.
    These settings can be modified with the 'Set-FactorioProfileOption' cmdlet.
 == A Steam or standalone installation of the game stores it's data in the
    '%APPDATA%\Factorio' folder. What this module does is store the data in
    separate folders elsewhere on the filesystem, and then creating a
    symbolic link pointing to these folders.
        %APPDATA%\Factorio -> D:\my\modded\factorio\profile
    The creation of this symbolic link is done through the
    'Switch-FactorioProfile' cmdlet, which will link to the given profile.
 == To create a new profile, run:
        PS C:\> New-FactorioProfile -Name "modded"
    This command will create a new profile with the name "modded", and it will
    be created in the default profile location.
        Specifies the name of the profile; must be unique.
        Specifies the path at which to create the profile folder, overriding
        the default path. If any parent folders don't exist, they will be
        created during the execution.
    -ShareConfig (Accepted values: "true", "false")
        Specifies that this profile will share it's configuration file globally.
    -ShareMods (Accepted values: "true", "false")
        Specifies that this profile will share it's mods folder content
    -ShareSaves (Accepted values: "true", "false")
        Specifies that this profile will share it's save folder content
    -ShareScenarios (Accepted values: "true", "false")
        Specifies that this profile will share it's scenarios folder content
    -ShareBlueprints (Accepted values: "true", "false")
        Specifies that this profile will share it's blueprint data file
 == To retrieve the details of a profile, run:
        PS C:\> Get-FactorioProfile -Name "modded"
    This command will retrieve the details of the profile named "modded", and
    print the information to the screen.
        Specifies the name(s) of the profiles to retrieve.
        Leaving this value blank will retrieve *all* profiles.
     [!]This parameter has tab-completion support.
 == To retrieve the global settings for this module, run:
        PS C:\> Get-FactorioProfileSettings
    This command will retrieve the module settings, and print them to
    the screen.
 == To modify a profile, run:
        PS C:\> Set-FactorioProfileOption -Profile "modded" -...
    This command will modify the "modded" profile.
        Specifies the name of the profile to modify.
     [!]This parameter has tab-completion support.
        Specifies the new name of the profile; must be unique.
      [!]Renaming the profile will rename the profile folder as well.
        Specifies the new location of the profile; location must not be taken.
    -ShareConfig (Accepted values: "true", "false")
        Specifies that this profile will share it's configuration file globally.
    -ShareMods (Accepted values: "true", "false")
        Specifies that this profile will share it's mods folder content
    -ShareSaves (Accepted values: "true", "false")
        Specifies that this profile will share it's save folder content
    -ShareScenarios (Accepted values: "true", "false")
        Specifies that this profile will share it's scenarios folder content
    -ShareBlueprints (Accepted values: "true", "false")
        Specifies that this profile will share it's blueprint data file
 [!]Changing any of the "sharing" options will perform the following action:
    - If the profile is current not sharing but will now share,
      The current profile item *will be deleted*, and then the item will be
    - If the profile is current sharing but will now not share,
      The item will stop being shared, and a new empty item will be created.
 == To modify the global settings for this module, run:
        PS C:\> Set-FactorioProfileOption -Module -...
        Specifies that the cmdlet will modify the global settings.
        Specifies the path at which, by default, new profiles will be created.
    -ShareConfigByDefault (Accepted values: "true", "false")
        Specifies that by default, a new profile will share it's configuration
        file globally.
    -ShareModsByDefault (Accepted values: "true", "false")
        Specifies that by default, a new profile will share it's mods folder
        content globally.
    -ShareSavesByDefault (Accepted values: "true", "false")
        Specifies that by default, a new profile will share it's save folder
        content globally.
    -ShareScenariosByDefault (Accepted values: "true", "false")
        Specifies that by default, a new profile will share it's scenarios
        folder content globally.
    -ShareBlueprintsByDefault (Accepted values: "true", "false")
        Specifies that by default, a new profile will share it's blueprint
        data file globally.
 == To switch Factorio to a profile, run:
        PS C:\> Switch-FactorioProfile -Name "modded"
    This command will make the profile named "modded" become the currently
    active Factorio profile. Once this command has finished execution, you
    can start Factorio up, whether through Steam or otherwise.
        Specifies the name of the profile to switch to.
     [!]This parameter has tab-completion support.
 == To open the folder of a profile in the file explorer, run:
        PS C:\> Open-FactorioProfileFolder -Name "modded"
    This command will open explorer.exe at the location of the profile folder
    for the "modded" profile.
        Specifies the name of the profile to open.
     [!]This parameter has tab-completion support.
 == To retrieve the details of a profile, run:
        PS C:\> Remove-FactorioProfile -Name "modded"
    This command will remove the profile named "modded", including deleting
    the profile folder from disk.
        Specifies the name of the profile to remove.
     [!]This parameter has tab-completion support.
 == This module stores all data in the '%APPDATA%\Powershell\FactorioProfiles'
    folder. It is advised to **not** manually modify the database file as it
    could have unintended consequences.