
    # Script module or binary module file associated with this manifest
    RootModule = 'FactorioProfiles.psm1'
    # Version number of this module
    ModuleVersion = '0.1.1'
    # ID used to uniquely identify this module
    GUID = '41c85188-07ea-4949-bfb8-510b5cdcdf72'
    # Author of this module
    Author = 'KubaP'
    # Copyright statement for this module
    Copyright = 'Copyright (c) 2021 KubaP'
    # Description of the functionality provided by this module
    Description = 'A set of commands for easily managing & switching between different factorio profiles, (sets of saves, mods, configurations, etc).'
    # Minimum version of the Windows PowerShell engine required by this module
    PowerShellVersion = '5.1'
    # Modules that must be imported into the global environment prior to importing this module
    # RequiredModules = @( @{ ModuleName='name'; ModuleVersion='1.0.0' } )

    # Assemblies that are part of this module
    # NestedModules = @('bin\Debug\netstandard2.0\FactorioProfiles.dll')
    # Assemblies that must be loaded prior to importing this module
    # RequiredAssemblies = @('bin\FactorioProfiles.dll')
    # Type files (.ps1xml) to be loaded when importing this module
    # TypesToProcess = @('xml\FactorioProfiles.Types.ps1xml')
    # Format files (.ps1xml) to be loaded when importing this module
    FormatsToProcess = @('xml\FactorioProfiles.Format.ps1xml')
    # Functions to export from this module
    # FunctionsToExport = @( )
    # Cmdlets to export from this module
    CmdletsToExport = @(
    # Variables to export from this module
    VariablesToExport = ''
    # Aliases to export from this module
    AliasesToExport = ''
    # List of all modules packaged with this module
    ModuleList = @()
    # List of all files packaged with this module
    FileList = @()
    # Private data to pass to the module specified in ModuleToProcess.
    # This may also contain a PSData hashtable with additional module metadata used by PowerShell.
    PrivateData = @{
        # Support for PowerShellGet galleries
        PSData = @{
            # Tags applied to this module. These help with module discovery in online galleries.
            Tags = @("Windows", "Game", "PSEdition_Desktop", "PSEdition_Core")
            # A URL to the license for this module
            LicenseUri = 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html'
            # A URL to the main website for this project
            ProjectUri = 'https://github.com/KubaP/Factorio-Profiles'
            # A URL to an icon representing this module
            # IconUri = ''
            # ReleaseNotes of this module
            ReleaseNotes = 'https://github.com/KubaP/Factorio-Profiles/blob/master/FactorioProfiles/changelog.md'
        } # End of PSData hashtable
    } # End of PrivateData hashtable