
function New-FastLookup {
        Lookup a value in an array faster than Where-Object
        Improve the speed of looking up a value in an array by creating a hashtable index.
        Good for looking up results in very large arrays or CSV files (e.g Import-Csv)
        Version: 1.1
        Author: Miles Gratz
        Creation Date: April 11, 2017
        Purpose/Change: Initial script development
    .PARAMETER Array
        A mandatory parameter specifying input array used to create 'FastLookup'
    .PARAMETER Header
        An optional parameter specifying the header in the input array used to create 'FastLookup'
        A hashtable, listing the values in the array and their corresponding index
        PS> $array = 1..10000000
        PS> $hashtable = New-FastLookup $array
        PS> Measure-Command {
            $array | Where-Object { $_ -eq 199999 }
            Days : 0
            Hours : 0
            Minutes : 0
            Seconds : 9
            Milliseconds : 306
        PS> Measure-Command {
            Get-FastLookup -Value 199999 -Array $array -Table $hashtable
            Days : 0
            Hours : 0
            Minutes : 0
            Seconds : 0
            Milliseconds : 65
        [NOTE] Performance test on Windows 10 x64 (i5-6200U, 8GB RAM, SSD)


    # Identify headers in input array
    $Headers = $Array | Get-Member -MemberType 'NoteProperty' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Name'
    # Define empty hashtable and index
    $HashTable = @{}
    $Index = 0
    #1: Header specified
    #2: Header exists in array
    If (($Header -ne $null) -and ($Header -in $Headers))
        # Redefine array with only data from specified Header
        $Array = $Array.$Header
    #1: Header is specified
    #2: Header does NOT exist in array
    ElseIf (($Header -ne $null) -and ($Header -notin $Headers))
        # Exit function with error
        Write-Error "Specified header ($Header) does not exist in input array."

    #1: Header is NOT specified
    #2: Array contains multiple Headers
    ElseIf (($Header -eq $null) -and ($Headers.Count -gt 1))
        # Exit function with error
        Write-Error "Input array requires the -Header parameter (multiple columns detected)."

    # Loop through array
    foreach ($Item in $Array)
        # Add index of Item to hashtable
        # Name Value
        # ---- -----
        # Server1 953
        # Server2 1157

        # Duplicate key detected, add to existing value
        # Name Value
        # ---- -----
        # Server1 953
        # Server2 1157,3325
            $HashTable[$Item] = ($HashTable[$Item],$Index -join ",")         
        # Increment loop
    # Output results