
class FastPingResponse
    [String] $HostName
    [Nullable[Double]] $RoundtripAverage
    [Boolean] $Online
    [System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus] $Status

        [String] $HostName,
        [Nullable[Double]] $RoundtripAverage,
        [Boolean] $Online,
        [System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus] $Status
        $this.HostName = $HostName
        if ($null -ne $RoundtripAverage)
            $this.RoundtripAverage = $RoundtripAverage
        $this.Online = $Online
        $this.Status = $Status

    Performs a series of asynchronous pings against a set of target hosts.

    This function uses System.Net.Networkinformation.Ping object to perform
    a series of asynchronous pings against a set of target hosts.

    .PARAMETER HostName
    String array of target hosts.

    .PARAMETER Count
    Number of echo requests to send. Aliased with 'n', like ping.exe.

    .PARAMETER Continuous
    Enables continuous pings against the target hosts. Stop with CTRL+C. Aliases with 't', like ping.exe.

    .PARAMETER Timeout
    Timeout in milliseconds to wait for each reply. Defaults to 2 seconds (5000). Aliased with 'w', like ping.exe.

    Per MSDN Documentation, "When specifying very small numbers for timeout, the Ping reply can be received even if timeout milliseconds have elapsed." (

    .PARAMETER Interval
    Number of milliseconds between echo requests.

    .PARAMETER RoundtripAveragePingCount
    Number of echo requests to send for calculating the Roundtrip average. Defaults to 4.

    Invoke-FastPing -HostName ''

    HostName RoundtripAverage Online
    -------- ---------------- ------ 22 True

    Invoke-FastPing -HostName '',''

    HostName RoundtripAverage Online
    -------- ---------------- ------ False 22 True

    Invoke-FastPing -HostName '' -Count 5

    This example pings the host '' five times.

    fp -n 5

    This example pings the host '' five times using syntax similar to ping.exe.

    Invoke-FastPing -HostName '' -Timeout 500

    This example pings the host '' with a 500 millisecond timeout.

    fp -w 500

    This example pings the host '' with a 500 millisecond timeout using syntax similar to ping.exe.

    fp -Continuous

    This example pings the host '' continuously until CTRL+C is used.

    fp -t

    This example pings the host '' continuously until CTRL+C is used.

function Invoke-FastPing
    [Alias('FastPing', 'fping', 'fp')]
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Alias('Computer', 'ComputerName', 'Host')]
        [String[]] $HostName,

        [ValidateRange(1, [Int]::MaxValue)]
        [Int] $Count = 1,

        [Switch] $Continuous,

        [ValidateRange(1, [Int]::MaxValue)]
        [Int] $Timeout = 5000,

        [ValidateRange(1, [Int]::MaxValue)]
        [Int] $Interval = 1000,

        [ValidateRange(1, [Int]::MaxValue)]
        [Int] $RoundtripAveragePingCount = 4

        # The time used for the ping async wait() method
        $asyncWaitMilliseconds = 500

        # Used to control the Count of echo requests
        $loopCounter = 0

        # Used to control the Interval between echo requests
        $loopTimer = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::new()

            while ($true)

                # Objects to hold items as we process pings
                $queue = [System.Collections.Queue]::new()
                $pingHash = @{}

                # Start an asynchronous ping against each computer
                foreach ($hn in $HostName)
                    if ($pingHash.Keys -notcontains $hn)
                        $pingHash.Add($hn, [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new())

                    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $RoundtripAveragePingCount; $i++)
                        $ping = [System.Net.Networkinformation.Ping]::new()
                        $object = @{
                            Host  = $hn
                            Ping  = $ping
                            Async = $ping.SendPingAsync($hn, $Timeout)

                # Process the asynchronous pings
                while ($queue.Count -gt 0)
                    $object = $queue.Dequeue()

                        # Wait for completion
                        if ($object.Async.Wait($asyncWaitMilliseconds) -eq $true)
                                    Host          = $object.Host
                                    RoundtripTime = $object.Async.Result.RoundtripTime
                                    Status        = $object.Async.Result.Status
                        # The Wait() method can throw an exception if the host does not exist.
                        if ($object.Async.IsCompleted -eq $true)
                                    Host          = $object.Host
                                    RoundtripTime = $object.Async.Result.RoundtripTime
                                    Status        = $object.Async.Result.Status
                            Write-Warning -Message ('Unhandled exception: {0}' -f $_.Exception.Message)


                # Using the ping results in pingHash, calculate the average RoundtripTime
                foreach ($key in $pingHash.Keys)
                    $pingStatus = $pingHash.$key.Status | Select-Object -Unique

                    if ($pingStatus -eq [System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus]::Success)
                        $online = $true
                        $status = [System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus]::Success
                    elseif ($pingStatus.Count -eq 1)
                        $online = $false
                        $status = $pingStatus
                        $online = $false
                        $status = [System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus]::Unknown

                    if ($online -eq $true)
                        $latency = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
                        foreach ($value in $pingHash.$key)
                            if (-not([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($value.RoundtripTime)))

                        $measuredLatency = $latency | Measure-Object -Average -Sum
                        if ($measuredLatency.Average)
                            $roundtripAverage = [Math]::Round($measuredLatency.Average, 0)
                        elseif ($measuredLatency.Sum -eq 0)
                            $roundtripAverage = 0
                            $roundtripAverage = $null
                        $roundtripAverage = $null

                } # End result processing

                # Increment the loop counter

                if ($loopCounter -lt $Count -or $Continuous -eq $true)
                    $timeToSleep = $Interval - $loopTimer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds
                    if ($timeToSleep -gt 0)
                        Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $timeToSleep

    } # End Process