
#Region '.\Public\Write-Figlet.ps1' 0
using namespace PoshCode.Pansies
function Write-Figlet {
            Get a text ASCII art "FIGlet" with formatting on it so it prints with colors

        # The text you want to write

        # The font you want to use (one of the figlet fonts, see

        # The LayoutRule: FullSize, Fitting, or Smushing
        [Figlet.LayoutRule]$LayoutRule = "Smushing",

        # A regex character list of chacters which will be colored. Defaults to coloring all characters.

        # One or two colors for the foreground. Note that only characters matching the ColorChars pattern will be colored.
        # - If you provide one color, it will be used. The default is the default PowerShell foreground color.
        # - If you provide two, a gradient between them will be used.
        # - For more than two colors, a gradient between the first and last will be used (everything extra is ignored)

        # One or two colors for the background. Note that the whole background will be colored
        # - If you provide one color, it will be used. The default is the default PowerShell background color.
        # - If you provide two, a gradient between them will be used.
        # - For more than two colors, a gradient between the first and last will be used (everything extra is ignored)

        # The color space controls how gradients come out (see PANSIES' Get-Gradient)
        [ValidateSet("HSL", "LCH", "RGB", "LAB", "XYZ")]
        [string]$Colorspace = "LAB"
    $Figlet = @{ Message = $Message }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Font")) {
        $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove("Font")
        $Figlet.Font = $Font
        if ($Font -eq "Mirror") {
            $Reverseable = $Message.ToCharArray()
            $Figlet["Message"] = New-Object String (, [char[]]$Reverseable)
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("LayoutRule")) {
        $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove("LayoutRule")
        $Figlet.LayoutRule = $LayoutRule

    Get-Figlet @Figlet |
        Add-Member -NotePropertyMembers $PSBoundParameters -PassThru
#EndRegion '.\Public\Write-Figlet.ps1' 63