
# Localized resources for DSR_ReplaceText

ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    GetIniSettingMessage = Reading the entry '{1}' key '{2}' from INI settings file '{0}'.
    SetIniSettingTextMessage = Setting the entry '{1}' key '{2}' to '{3}' in INI settings file '{0}'.
    SetIniSettingSecretMessage = Setting the entry '{1}' key '{2}' to secret text in INI settings file '{0}'.
    IniSettingMatchesMessage = The entry '{1}' key '{2}' in INI settings file '{0}' is in the correct state. Change not required.
    IniSettingMismatchMessage = The entry '{1}' key '{2}' in INI settings file '{0}' is not in the correct state. Change required.
    FileNotFoundError = File '{0}' not found.