
Function Find-SMBShare 
         Function searchs for shared items on a computer/s and reports
        PS> Find-SMBShare -Computername Workstation1 -Credential domain\username | fl
        ComputerName : Workstation1
        Status : Connected
        TotalShare : 8
        AdminShare : {ADMIN$, C$, E$...}
        PrinterShare : Brother7840BW, CannonColor
        NotAdminFound : True
        NotAdminShare : DDrive
        This example finds shared items on \\Workstation1.
        PS> $Credential = (Get-Credential)
        PS> Find-SMBShare -Computername Server,Workstation1 -Credential $Credential
        This example finds shared items on \\Server and \\Workstation1 with a saved PSCredential
        PS> Find-SMBShare
        This example finds shared items on localhost with the current logon user credential.
    .PARAMETER computername
        The computer/s to search
    .PARAMETER credential
        Administrative account on computer/s
        Can be a [string]username or [object]pscredential

                   HelpMessage="The. Computer. Name.")]

                    HelpMessage="Admin. Username. Or. PSCredential")]

    Write-Verbose "Checking Credential Param"
    if ($Credential.Count -ne 0)
        if ($Credential.ToString() -contains 'System.Management.Automation.PSCredential')
            $PSCredential = $Credential           
                Write-Verbose "Getting Credential"
                $PSCredential = (Get-Credential -Credential $Credential)       

    Write-Verbose "Checking ComputerName Param"
    if ($ComputerName.count -eq 0)
        $ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME

    Write-Verbose "Connecting to $computer" 
    foreach ($computer in $computername)
        if ($PSCredential.count -ne 0)
            $Session = New-CimSession -ComputerName $Computer -Credential $PSCredential -ErrorAction Stop
                $Session = New-CimSession -ComputerName $computer -ErrorAction stop

        Write-Verbose "Getting Data from $computer"           
        $Share = ( Get-CimSession -InstanceId $Session.InstanceId | Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Share)
        $PrinterShare = ($Share | Where-Object {$ -notlike '*$*'} | Where-Object {$_.path -notlike '*:\*'})
        $AdminShare = ($share | Where-Object {$_.type -ne 0 } | Where-Object {$ -like '*$' } )
        $NotAdminShare = ($share | Where-Object {$_.type -eq 0} |  Where-Object {$ -notlike '*$'} )                       
        $Properties = @{ComputerName = $computer
                     Status = 'Connected'
                     Total = $share.count
                     AdminShare = $
                     PrinterShare = $
                     NotAdminFound = [boolean]$NotAdminShare
                     NotAdminShare = $}
        Remove-CimSession -instanceID $Session.InstanceId

            Write-Verbose "Couldn't connect to $computer"
            Write-Verbose "Check Credential"
            $properties = @{ComputerName = $computer
                          Status = 'Disconnected'
                          Total = $null
                          AdminShare = $null
                          PrinterShare = $null
                          NotAdminFound = [boolean]$null
                          NotAdminShare = $null}
            $Obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $properties 
            Write-Output $Obj