
Function Find-TaskServiceUser {
Finding scheduled tasks, system services on computer by user name.
Finding scheduled tasks, system services on local or remote computer by given user name.
'Administrator' and local computer are default values.
The results can be redirected to the log file (see 'log' parameter).
User name to find scheduled tasks or system services. Default value is 'Administrator'.
Computer to find tasks/services. Default value is 'localhost' ($env:COMPUTERNAME).
A Switch to enable finding scheduled tasks.
A Switch to enable finding system services.
A switch to enable minimalistic results. Object containing the computer name, number of tasks and/or number of services only. With -Log information about log file path is displayed but log file is not minimal. The return value is en object.
A switch to enable logging of output data to a log file. The log file with the path is defined in the "LogFile" parameter.
Path with file name where logging output. Default value is [$env:TEMP]\find-taskserviceuser.log. Works only with Log switch.
PS> Find-TaskServiceUser -Computer "WSRV00" -User "BobbyK" -Service -Task -Log
Find system services and scheduled tasks on "WSRV00" for user "BobbyK" with logging output to file.
PS> "WSRV01","WSRV02" | Find-TaskServiceUser -Service -Task
Find system services and scheduled tasks on computers "WSRV01", "WSRV02" for user "Administrator"
version 1.3.3, 01.04.2019:
- added a description of the '-minimal' parameter
- minor fix
version 1.3.2, 01.04.2019:
- minor fix for iconuri
version 1.3.1, 01.04.2019:
- minor fix for iconuri
- minor changes
version 1.3.0, 01.04.2019:
- add '-Minimal' parameter for minimalist object as results
- use 'get-scheduletask' if available function
- fix for change in grouping the results of tasks and services
- add module icon (read ICON CREDITS)
- minor changes
version 1.2.0, 30.03.2019:
- improved find of tasks
- change in grouping the results of tasks and services
- minor changes
version 1.1.0, 30.03.2019:
- change private functions names
- minor fixes.
version 1.0.1, 29.03.2019:
- minor bug fixes.
version 1.0, 27.03.2019:
- first build of module created from function.
ICON CREDITS: Module icon made by [Freepik]( from [Flaticon]( is licensed [CC 3.0 BY](

    [parameter(mandatory=$false, position=0, valuefrompipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, HelpMessage='Computer NetBIOS, DNS name or IP.')]

    [parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='User or group name to find scheduled tasks and/or services. Group is used for the security context of the scheduled task only, not system services.')]

    [parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Switch to find system services.')]

    [parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Switch to find scheduled tasks.')]

    [parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Minimalistic results. Object containing the computer name, number of tasks and/or number of services only. with -Log info about log file is displayed but log file is not minimal.')]

    [parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Switch to enable logging.')]

    [parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Log file path. Default is ''[$env:TEMP]\Find-TaskServiceUser.log''.')]
  Begin {
    if (!$service -and !$task) {
      Write-output "You must provide 'service' or/and 'task' parameter`n"
      Write-output 'Examples:'
      Write-output ' Find-TaskServiceUser -Computer "WSRV00" -User "BobbyK" -Service -Task'
      Write-output ' Find-TaskServiceUser -Computer "WSRV01" -User "BobbyK" -Task -Log' 
      Write-output ' "WSRV00","WSRV03" | Find-TaskServiceUser -Service -Task'
      Write-output ' "WSRV04" | Find-TaskServiceUser -Service'
    } else {
      if (!$Minimal) {
        if ($user -eq "administrator") {
          Write-Output "Set default user: Administrator"
        if ($computer -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME) {
          Write-output "Set default computer: $env:COMPUTERNAME (localhost)"
    if ($Minimal) {
      Write-Verbose "Initializing minimalistic results."
      $minimal_obj = @()
      $services_count = $s
      $tasks_count = $t
    if ($Log) {
      Write-Log "---------$(get-date)---------"
  } # end BEGIN block
  Process {
    foreach ($item in $Computer) {
      if ($service) {    
        if (!$Minimal) {
          Write-output "Finding system services with user: ""$($user.trim().toupper())"" on machine: ""$($item.trim().toupper())"""
        if ($Log) {
          Write-Log "$(get-date): Finding services with user: ""$($user.trim().toupper())"" on machine: ""$($item.trim().toupper())"""
        $services = Find-ServiceUser -computer $item.Trim() -user $user
        if ($services) {
          if ($Log) {
            Write-Log "$(get-date): System services:"
          $output1 = $services | select-object SystemName,Name, StartName,State
          if ($Minimal) {
            $services_count = ($services | Measure-Object).count
          } else {
            Write-output "Found system service(s) where ""$user"" matches 'Service Logon Account'"
            $output1 | Format-Table -AutoSize
          if ($Log) {
            $output1 | ForEach-Object { Write-Log $_ }            
        } else {
          if ($Log) {
            Write-Log "$(get-date): No services found on computer ""$item"" for user ""$user"""
          if ($Minimal) {
            $services_count = $s
          } else {
            Write-output "No system services found on computer ""$item"" for user ""$user"""          
      if ($task) {
        if (!$Minimal) {
          Write-output "Finding tasks with user: ""$($user.trim().toupper())"" on machine: ""$($item.trim().toupper())"""
        if ($Log) {
          Write-Log "$(get-date): Finding tasks with user: ""$($user.trim().toupper())"" on machine: ""$($item.trim().toupper())"""
        $tasks = Find-TaskUser -server $item.trim() -user $user
        if ($tasks) {
          if ($Log) {
            Write-Log "$(get-date): Scheduled tasks:"
          $tasksdata = $tasks | Select-Object Hostname, Taskname, Author, "Run as user", URI
          if ($Minimal) {
            $tasks_count = ($tasks | Measure-Object).count
          } else {
            Write-output "Found scheduled task(s) where ""$user"" matches task author or 'run as user'"
            $tasksdata | Format-Table -AutoSize
          if ($Log) {
            $tasksdata | ForEach-Object { Write-Log $_ }
          } else {
            if ($Log) {
              Write-Log "$(get-date): No scheduled tasks on computer ""$item"" for user ""$user"""
            if ($Minimal) {
              $tasks_count = $t
            } else {
              Write-output "No scheduled tasks found on computer ""$item"" for user ""$user"""
        if (!$tasks) {
          $tasks_count = $null
        if (!$services) {
          $services_count = $null
        if ($Minimal) {
          $minimal_obj += [PSCustomObject]@{
            ComputerName  = $item
            Services      = $services_count
            Tasks         = $tasks_count
          $services_count = $s
          $tasks_count = $t
    } # end foreach
  } # end PROCESS block
  End {
    if ($Log -and !$Minimal) { 
      Write-output "Log File: $($Logfile)"
    } else {
      Write-Information -MessageData "Log File: $($Logfile)" -InformationAction Continue
      return $minimal_obj
  } # end END block
} # end Find-TaskServiceUser function