
    Module FolderBookmarks
    The module provides functions to manage and use bookmarks that point to folders.
    Bookmarks can be created, changed and removed. Each change is immediately stored in the
    user's CliXml file.
    The CliXml file in the user's profile can be imported via a function. It's advised to
    perform the import in the user's $profile script so the bookmarks are available when a
    new PowerShell session is started.
    Version history
    v1.0.3 - Changed/Added some aliases, added Export-ModuleMember for PS4 compatibility
    v1.0.2 - Details for publishing
    v1.0.1 - Implemented support for -WhatIf and -Confirm in Set-FolderBookmark and Remove-FolderBookmark
    v1.0.0 - Initial version
    Apache License
    Version 2.0, January 2004

$Script:folderBMs = @{}
$Script:folderBMPath = Join-Path (Split-Path -Parent $profile) .folderBM.clixml

function Set-FolderBookmark {
        Stores a folder ath to a named bookmark
        The given path is stored to a bookmark that can be used with Get-FolderBookmark
        The list of bookmarks is exported to the user profile using Export-FolderBookmarks
        Mandatory: yes, Alias(es): n
        Mandatory: no, Alias(es): p
        Specifies the path to be stored to the bookmark. If not specified, ".\" is used
        Set-FolderBookmark -Name Sys32 -Path C:\Windows\System32
        Stores a bookmark with the name Sys32 that points to the folder C:\Windows\System32
        cd C:\Projects\PowerShell\ModuleDev\Test1
        Set-FolderBookmark Test1
        Stores a bookmark with the name Test1 that points to the current folder
        Version history
        v1.0.0 - Initial version

    param (
        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)][Alias("n")][string]$Name,
        [Parameter(Position=1)][Alias("p")][string]$Path = $(Get-Location).Path

    if (!(Get-Item $Path).PSIsContainer) {
        Write-Error "$Path is not a folder." -Category InvalidData -RecommendedAction "Please provide a folder path."

    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name, "Set FolderBookmark")) {
        if ($Script:folderBMs.ContainsKey($Name)) {
            #Update existing entry
            $Script:folderBMs.Set_Item($Name, $Path)
        else {
            #Add new entry to collection
            $Script:folderBMs.Add($Name, $Path)
New-Alias -Name setbm -Value Set-FolderBookmark
New-Alias -Name bookmark -Value Set-FolderBookmark

function Use-FolderBookmark {
        Retrieves the folder from a named bookmark and sets current location to the folder
        Mandatory: yes, Alias(es): n
        Use-FolderBookmark -Name Sys32
        Changes the current location to folder stored as bookmark Sys32
        goto test1
        Changes the current location to folder stored as bookmark test1
        Version history
        v1.0.0 - Initial version

    param (
        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)][Alias("n")][string]$Name

    Set-Location $Script:folderBMs.Get_Item($Name)
New-Alias -Name goto -Value Use-FolderBookmark
New-Alias -Name gobm -Value Use-FolderBookmark
New-Alias -Name go -Value Use-FolderBookmark

function Remove-FolderBookmark {
        Removes the named bookmark from the bookmark-list
        Removes the bookmark with specified name from the bookmark-list.
        The list of bookmarks is exported to the user profile using Export-FolderBookmarks
        Mandatory: yes, Alias(es): n
        Use-FolderBookmark -Name Sys32
        Changes the current location to folder stored as bookmark Sys32
        goto test1
        Changes the current location to folder stored as bookmark test1
        Version history
        v1.0.1 - Added support for pipeline and multiple names
        v1.0.0 - Initial version

    param (
        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)][Alias("n")][string[]]$Name

    Begin { }

    Process {
        foreach ($n in $Name) {
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($n, "Remove folder bookmark")) {
                Write-Verbose "Removed bookmark $n"

    End {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("*", "Export folder bookmark")) {
New-Alias -Name rembm -Value Remove-FolderBookmark
New-Alias -Name unbookmark -Value Remove-FolderBookmark

function Get-FolderBookmark {
        Lists the folder bookmarks
        Lists all bookmark
        Version history
        v1.0.0 - Initial version

    $Script:folderBMs.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name
New-Alias -Name getbm -Value Get-FolderBookmark
New-Alias -Name listbm -Value Get-FolderBookmark

function Export-FolderBookmark {
        Exports the folder bookmarks to the user's profile folder
        Exports the folder bookmarks to the user's profile folder with the name .folderBM.xml
        Exports all bookmarks to file in current users profile
        Version history
        v1.0.0 - Initial version

    $Script:folderBMs | Export-Clixml -Path $Script:folderBMPath -Encoding UTF8 -Force
New-Alias -Name expbm -Value Export-FolderBookmark

function Import-FolderBookmark {
        Imports the folder bookmarks from the user's profile folder
        Imports the folder bookmarks from the user's profile file with the name .folderBM.xml
        Existing bookmarks in memory will be overwritten
        To automatically import the bookmarks into each user session, it's easy to add the command to
        the users profile script.
        Imports all bookmarks from file
        Version history
        v1.0.0 - Initial version

    if (Test-Path $Script:folderBMPath) {
        $Script:folderBMs = Import-Clixml -Path $Script:folderBMPath
New-Alias -Name impbm -Value Import-FolderBookmark

Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Alias *