
function Test-SchemaAdminCredential {
        Validates, whether the schema admin credential workflow should be executed.
        Validates, whether the schema admin credential workflow should be executed.
        This is done using two checks:
        - Is the ForestManagement.Schema.Account.IgnoreOnCredentialProvider config setting set?
        - Is the command calling the caller of this command anything other than Invoke-AdmfForest with the CredentialProvider parameter set
        If the configuration is set and a crededntial provider was specified, it will return false.
        PS C:\> Test-SchemaAdminCredential
        Validates, whether the schema admin credential workflow should be executed.

    param ()

    if (Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName 'ForestManagement.Schema.Account.IgnoreOnCredentialProvider') {
        return $true

    $invocation = (Get-PSCallstack)[2]
    -not ($invocation.Command -eq 'Invoke-AdmfForest' -and $invocation.InvocationInfo.BoundParameters.Keys -contains 'CredentialProvider')