
function Get-CircleArea
        Gets the area of a circle
        Gets the area of a circle, using the simple equation
        Area = Pi * Radius^2

    # The radius
    # The diameter
    process {
        if ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Radius') {
            Invoke-Equation {
# Square the radius
$radiusSquared = $radius * $radius
# Get the value of Pi
$pi = [Math]::PI
# Area is Pi * radius Squared
$circleArea = $pi * $radiusSquared
} -ShowWork:$ShowWork                        
        } elseif ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Diameter') {
            Invoke-Equation {
# The radius is half of the diameter
$radius = $diameter / 2
# Square the radius
$radiusSquared = $radius * $radius
# Get the value of Pi
$pi = [Math]::PI
# Area is pi * radius squared
$circleArea = $pi * $radiusSquared
} -ShowWork:$ShowWork                        