
function Measure-Tip
        Calculates tips.
        Select service quality to determine the tip percent:
        * OK (15%)
        * Good (20%)
        * Awesome (25%)
        Then choose if you want to round up

    # The check

    # The quality of the service
    [ValidateSet("OK", "Good", "Awesome")]

    # If you want, set your own rate.


    # If set, will round tips up to the nearest dollar

    # The number of ways the check is split
    $Split =1

    process {
        $subtotal = $check / $Split

        $rate = 
            if ($MyRate) {
                $MyRate / 100
            } elseif ($ServiceQuality -eq 'OK') {
            } elseif ($ServiceQuality -eq 'Good') {
            } elseif ($ServiceQuality -eq 'Awesome') {

        $withTip = $subTotal + ($subtotal * $rate)

        if ($RoundUp) {
        } else {
            [Math]::Round($withTip,2 )
