
function Move-FMFirewallPolicy {
    Adds new firewall policies to the given ADOM and policy package.
    Adds new firewall policies to the given ADOM and policy package. This
    function adds the policy to the End of the Package. If you need it elsewhere
    you have to use ""
    .PARAMETER Connection
    The API connection object.
    The (non-default) ADOM for the requests.
    .PARAMETER Package
    The name of the policy package
    The ID of the policy to be moved
    .PARAMETER Position
    Before or After
    .PARAMETER Target
    The Policy-ID the policies should be moved before/after
    .PARAMETER RevisionNote
    The change note which should be saved for this revision, see about_RevisionNote
      .PARAMETER EnableException
    Should Exceptions been thrown?
    Lock-FMAdom -Connection $connection
    try {
        #Get all Policies Which contains "Test"
        $allTestPolicies = Get-FMFirewallPolicy -Package $packageName -Filter "name -like %Test%" -Fields policyid
        # move all but the first one after the first one
        $allTestPolicies | Select-Object -skip 1 | Move-FMFirewallPolicy -Package $packageName -position after -Target ($allTestPolicies | Select-Object -First 1)
        Publish-FMAdomChange -Connection $connection
    catch {
        Write-Host "Error $_"
    finally {
        UnLock-FMAdom -Connection $connection
    Reorders the Test policies
    General notes

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        $Connection = (Get-FMLastConnection),
        [parameter(mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [parameter(mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet("before", "after")]
        [bool]$EnableException = $true
    begin {
        $policyList = @()
        $explicitADOM = Resolve-FMAdom -Connection $Connection -Adom $ADOM
        Write-PSFMessage "`$explicitADOM=$explicitADOM"
        if ($Target -isnot [long]) {
            $Target = $Target.policyid
    process {
        $PolicyID | ForEach-Object {
            $id = $_
            if ($id -isnot [long]) {
                $id = $id.policyid
            write-psfmessage "Adding To List: $id"
            $policyList += $id
    end {
        $basePath = "/pm/config/adom/$explicitADOM/pkg/$Package/firewall/policy"
        $apiCallParameter = @{
            EnableException     = $EnableException
            RevisionNote        = $RevisionNote
            Connection          = $Connection
            LoggingAction       = "Move-FMFirewallPolicy"
            LoggingActionValues = @(0, $Position, $Target, $explicitADOM, $Package)
            method              = "move"
            Parameter           = @{
                target = "$Target"
                option = $Position
        foreach ($id in $policyList) {
            write-psfmessage "Moving ID $id"
            $apiCallParameter.Path = "$basePath/$id"
            $apiCallParameter.LoggingActionValues[0] = $id
            Write-PSFMessage "`$apiCallParameter.LoggingActionValues=$($apiCallParameter.LoggingActionValues | Join-String ';')"
            $result = Invoke-FMAPI @apiCallParameter
            if (-not $EnableException -and $null -ne $result) {
                return $false
        if (-not $EnableException) {
            return $false