
function Lock-FMAdom {
    Locks the given ADOM.
    Locks the given ADOM.
    .PARAMETER Connection
    The API connection object.
    The (non-default) ADOM for the requests.
    .PARAMETER RevisionNote
    The default revision note for all set, add, update, delete, move and clone calls
      .PARAMETER EnableException
    Should Exceptions been thrown?
    To be added
    in the Future
    General notes

    param (
        $Connection = (Get-FMLastConnection),
        [bool]$EnableException = $true
    # $ErrorActionPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Stop
    Write-PSFMessage "Adding defaultRevisionNote to Connection"
    $Connection.forti.defaultRevisionNote = $RevisionNote
    $explicitADOM = Resolve-FMAdom -Connection $Connection -Adom $ADOM
    # Write-PSFMessage "`$explicitADOM=$explicitADOM"
    $apiCallParameter = @{
        EnableException     = $EnableException
        Connection          = $Connection
        LoggingAction       = "Lock-FMAdom"
        LoggingActionValues = $explicitADOM
        method              = "exec"
        Path                = "/dvmdb/adom/$explicitADOM/workspace/lock"
    $result = Invoke-FMAPI @apiCallParameter

    # If EnableException an exception would have be thrown, otherwise the function returns true for success or false for failure
    if (-not $EnableException){
        return ($null -ne $result)