
Function Get-IPFilterRules {
    Param (

    $Config = Get-WebConfiguration -Filter /system.webserver/security/ipsecurity -PSPath $Object.PSPath
    $ObjectName = $Object.PSPath.ToString().Replace("WebAdministration::\\","")
    $ObjectName = $ObjectName.Replace("\","/")
    $Split = $Object.PSPath.Split("\")
    $MachineName = $Split[2]
    $EnvironmentName = $Split[4]

    If ($Split.Count -gt 4) {
        $ParentConfig = Get-WebConfiguration -Filter /system.webserver/security/ipsecurity -PSPath $Object.PSParentPath

    If ($Split.Count -gt 5) {
        $CustomerName = $Split[6]

    [array]$IPFilterRules = $null
    Foreach ($Rule in $Config.Collection) {
        $IPFilterRule = "" | Select-Object -Property Name,Summary,ShortName,ExistsOnParent,ObjectName,FolderName,Type,MachineName,EnvironmentName,CustomerName,Allowed,IpAddress,SubnetMask,DomainName
        $IPFilterRule.Name = ($ObjectName +" | "+ $Rule.allowed +" - "+ $Rule.ipAddress +" - "+$Rule.subnetMask +" - "+ $Rule.domainName)
        $StringAllowed = "Deny"
        If ($Rule.allowed) {
            $StringAllowed = "Allow"
        $IPFilterRule.ShortName = $StringAllowed +": "+$Rule.IpAddress +" - "+$Rule.subnetMask +" - "+ $Rule.domainName
        $IPFilterRule.ObjectName = $ObjectName
        $IPFilterRule.FolderName = $Object.Name
        $IPFilterRule.MachineName = $MachineName
        $IPFilterRule.EnvironmentName = $EnvironmentName
        $IPFilterRule.CustomerName = $CustomerName

        $IPFilterRule.Allowed = IF($Rule.allowed.Length -ne 0){$Rule.allowed}
        $IPFilterRule.IpAddress = IF($Rule.ipAddress.Length -ne 0){$Rule.ipAddress}
        $IPFilterRule.SubnetMask = IF($Rule.subnetMask.Length -ne 0){$Rule.subnetMask}
        $IPFilterRule.DomainName = IF($Rule.domainName.Length -ne 0){$Rule.domainName}
        $IPFilterRules += $IPFilterRule

    Return $IPFilterRules

Function Get-IISConfig {

    $ObjectName = $Object.PSPath.ToString().Replace("WebAdministration::\\","")
    $ObjectName = $ObjectName.Replace("\","/")

    $Split = $Object.PSPath.Split("\")
    $MachineName = $Split[2]
    $EnvironmentName = $Split[4]

    IF ($Split.Count -gt 5) {
        $CustomerName = $Split[6]
    $Config = Get-WebConfiguration -Filter /system.webserver/security/ipsecurity -PSPath $Object.PSPath
    $ConfigCollection = $Config.GetCollection()
    $Return = "" | Select-Object -Property Name,FolderName,Type,MachineName,EnvironmentName,CustomerName,EnableReverseDns,AllowUnlisted,EnableProxyMode,DenyAction,IsInheritedFromDefaultValue,IPFilterRules
    $Return.Name = $ObjectName
    $Return.FolderName = $Object.Name
    $Return.Type = $Object.NodeType
    $Return.MachineName = $MachineName
    $Return.EnvironmentName = $EnvironmentName
    $Return.CustomerName = $CustomerName
    $Return.EnableReverseDns = $ConfigCollection.GetAttributeValue("enableReverseDns")
    $Return.AllowUnlisted = $ConfigCollection.GetAttributeValue("allowUnlisted")
    $Return.EnableProxyMode = $ConfigCollection.GetAttributeValue("enableProxyMode")
    $Return.DenyAction = $ConfigCollection.GetAttributeValue("denyAction")
    $Return.IsInheritedFromDefaultValue = $ConfigCollection.GetAttribute("denyAction").IsInheritedFromDefaultValue
    Return $Return

Function Import-IISIPFiltersBasedOnSharePointList {
    Param (
    Connect-PnpOnline -AppId $AppID -AppSecret  $AppSecret -Url $url
    $List = Get-PnPList  | Where-Object {$_.Title -eq $ListName}
    #Get All items from the list, exclude Processed and Errors
    $NewIPFilters = Get-PnPListItem -List $List.Id | Where-Object {$_.FieldValues.Processed -ne 1} | Where-Object {$_.FieldValues.Error -ne 1}
    Foreach ($NewIPFilter in $NewIPFilters) {
        #Script Input: (we will change this later..)
        $InputIISObject = $NewIPFilter.FieldValues.IISObject.LookupValue
        $EntryType = $NewIPFilter.FieldValues.EntryType
        If ($EntryType -eq "Allow") {$EntryTypeBL = $True} else {$EntryTypeBL = $False}
        $IPAddress = $NewIPFilter.FieldValues.IPAddress
        $SubNetMask = $NewIPFilter.FieldValues.SubNetMask
        $DomainName = $NewIPFilter.FieldValues.DomainName

        #Check if this new IP Filter is
        If ($InputIISObject.StartsWith($env:COMPUTERNAME)) {

            $PSlocation = "IIS:" + $InputIISObject.Replace("/","\").Replace($env:COMPUTERNAME,"")
            $ConfigFilter = "/system.webserver/security/ipsecurity"
            #Check if rule already exists
            $AllreadyExists = $False

            #Check if location exists
            If (-not(Test-Path $PSlocation)) {
                $Message = "Can't add IP filter. IIS object not found."
                Set-PnPListItem -List $List.Id -Identity $NewIPFilters.Id.ToString() -Values @{Error=1;Exception=$Message}
                Write-Host $Message
                $AllreadyExists = $True
            Else {
                $Summary = $IPAddress +" - "+$SubNetMask +" - "+ $DomainName
                #Kijk of deze Rule al bestaat op het object zelf.
                $Config = Get-WebConfiguration -Filter $ConfigFilter -PSPath $PSlocation
                Foreach ($Rule in $Config.Collection) {
                    $RuleSummary = $Rule.ipAddress +" - "+$Rule.subnetMask +" - "+ $Rule.domainName
                    if ($RuleSummary -eq $Summary) {
                        If ($Rule.allowed -eq $EntryTypeBL) {
                            $Message = "Rule not added.. because it already exists."
                            Set-PnPListItem -List $List.Id -Identity $NewIPFilters.Id.ToString() -Values @{Error=1;Exception=$Message}
                            Write-Host $Message 
                        Else {
                            If ($EntryTypeBL) {
                                $Message = "Can't add this allow rule.. because a simular deny rule exists. Please remove the other rule before adding this one."
                                Set-PnPListItem -List $List.Id -Identity $NewIPFilters.Id.ToString() -Values @{Error=1;Exception=$Message}
                                Write-Host $Message
                            Else {
                                $Message = "Can't add this deny rule.. because a simular allow rule exists. Please remove the other rule before adding this one."
                                Set-PnPListItem -List $List.Id -Identity $NewIPFilters.Id.ToString() -Values @{Error=1;Exception=$Message}
                                Write-Host $Message
                        $AllreadyExists = $True
                #Check de child items. Maar pas op Inheritance is een belangrijke factor.
                $ChildItems = Get-ChildItem -Path $PSlocation -Recurse -Exclude *.*
                #Als inheritance aanstaat
                IF ($NewIPFilter.FieldValues.Inheritance) {
                    Foreach ($ChildItem in $ChildItems) {
                        $Config = Get-WebConfiguration -Filter $ConfigFilter -PSPath $ChildItem.PSPath
                        [int]$Index = 0
                        Foreach ($Rule in $Config.Collection) {
                            $RuleSummary = $Rule.ipAddress +" - "+$Rule.subnetMask +" - "+ $Rule.domainName
                            if ($RuleSummary -eq $Summary) {
                                If ($Rule.allowed -eq $EntryTypeBL) {
                                     #If a simular rule is found on a child, remove it.. it will get the same rule because inheritance is on.
                                     Remove-WebConfigurationProperty -PSPath $ChildItem.PSPath -Filter $ConfigFilter -Name Collection -AtIndex $Index
                                     $Message = "Rule exists on ("+ $ChildItem.PSPath + "). We removed it, so we could add it to the parent."
                                     Write-Host $Message 
                                else {
                                    If ($EntryTypeBL) {
                                        $Message = "Can't add this allow rule.. because a simular deny rule exists on ("+ $ChildItem.PSPath+ "). Please remove the other rule before adding this one."
                                        Set-PnPListItem -List $List.Id -Identity $NewIPFilters.Id.ToString() -Values @{Error=1;Exception=$Message}
                                        Write-Host $Message
                                    Else {
                                        $Message = "Can't add this deny rule.. because a simular allow rule exists on ("+ $ChildItem.PSPath+ "). Please remove the other rule before adding this one."
                                        Set-PnPListItem -List $List.Id -Identity $NewIPFilters.Id.ToString() -Values @{Error=1;Exception=$Message}
                                        Write-Host $Message
                                    $AllreadyExists = $True
                            $Index = $Index + 1
                Else {
                    Foreach ($ChildItem in $ChildItems) {
                        $Config = Get-WebConfiguration -Filter $ConfigFilter -PSPath $ChildItem.PSPath
                        [int]$Index = 0
                        Foreach ($Rule in $Config.Collection) {
                            $RuleSummary = $Rule.ipAddress +" - "+$Rule.subnetMask +" - "+ $Rule.domainName
                            if ($RuleSummary -eq $Summary) {
                                If ($Rule.allowed -eq $EntryTypeBL) {
                                    $Message = "Can't this allow rule. Inheritance is tured off and a simular rule exists on ("+ $ChildItem.PSPath+ "). Please remove the other rule before adding this one."
                                    Set-PnPListItem -List $List.Id -Identity $NewIPFilters.Id.ToString() -Values @{Error=1;Exception=$Message}
                                    Write-Host $Message
                                else {
                                    If ($EntryTypeBL) {
                                        $Message = "Can't add this allow rule.. because a simular deny rule exists on ("+ $ChildItem.PSPath+ "). Please remove the other rule before adding this one. Inheritance is turned on, but this doesn't matter."
                                        Set-PnPListItem -List $List.Id -Identity $NewIPFilters.Id.ToString() -Values @{Error=1;Exception=$Message}
                                        Write-Host $Message
                                    Else {
                                        $Message = "Can't add this deny rule.. because a simular allow rule exists on ("+ $ChildItem.PSPath+ "). Please remove the other rule before adding this one. Inheritance is turned on, but this doesn't matter."
                                        Set-PnPListItem -List $List.Id -Identity $NewIPFilters.Id.ToString() -Values @{Error=1;Exception=$Message}
                                        Write-Host $Message
                                    $AllreadyExists = $True
                            $Index = $Index + 1

            #Go do.
            if (-not($AllreadyExists)) {
                $value = @{"allowed"=$EntryTypeBL.tostring()}
                If ($IPAddress) { $value += @{"ipAddress"=$IPAddress}}
                If ($SubNetMask) { $value += @{"subnetMask"=$SubNetMask}}
                If ($DomainName) { $value += @{"domainName"=$DomainName}}
                Write-Host "Adding $Summary to $PSlocation"
                Try {
                    Add-WebConfigurationProperty -Filter $ConfigFilter -PSPath $PSlocation -Name "." -Value $value -ErrorAction Stop
                Catch [System.Exception] {
                    Set-PnPListItem -List $List.Id -Identity $NewIPFilters.Id.ToString() -Values @{Error=1;Exception="Unexpected Error."+$_+"."} 
                    Write-host "Unexpected Error."$_ 

                If ($NewIPFilter.FieldValues.Inheritance) {
                    #Inheritance is the defaults.. we are done.
                    Set-PnPListItem -List $List.Id -Identity $NewIPFilters.Id.ToString() -Values @{Processed=1}    
                Else {
                    #If Inheritance is OFF.. remove it from child items.
                    Start-Sleep -s 5
                    $ChildItems = Get-ChildItem -Path $PSlocation -Recurse -Exclude *.*
                    Foreach ($ChildItem in $ChildItems) {
                        $Config = Get-WebConfiguration -Filter $ConfigFilter -PSPath $ChildItem.PSPath
                        [int]$Index = 0
                        Foreach ($Rule in $Config.Collection) {
                            $RuleSummary = $Rule.ipAddress +" - "+$Rule.subnetMask +" - "+ $Rule.domainName
                            if ($RuleSummary -eq $Summary) {
                                If ($Rule.allowed -eq $EntryTypeBL) {
                                     Remove-WebConfigurationProperty -PSPath $ChildItem.PSPath -Filter $ConfigFilter -Name Collection -AtIndex $Index
                                     Start-Sleep -s 2
                            $Index = $Index + 1
                    Set-PnPListItem -List $List.Id -Identity $NewIPFilters.Id.ToString() -Values @{Processed=1}



Function Remove-IISIPFiltersBasedOnSharePointList {
    Param (
    Connect-PnpOnline -AppId $AppID -AppSecret  $AppSecret -Url $url
    $RemoveIPFilterList = Get-PnPList  | Where-Object {$_.Title -eq $RemoveIPFiltersListName}
    $RemoveIPFilters = Get-PnPListItem -List $RemoveIPFilterList.Id | Where-Object {$_.FieldValues.Processed -ne 1} | Where-Object {$_.FieldValues.Error -ne 1}
    $IPFilterList = Get-PnPList  | Where-Object {$_.Title -eq $IPFiltersListName}
    $IPFilters = Get-PnPListItem -List $IPFilterList.Id
    Foreach ($RemoveIPFilter in $RemoveIPFilters) {
        $IPFilter = $IPFilters | Where-Object {$_.FieldValues.Title -eq $RemoveIPFilter.FieldValues.IPFilter.LookupValue}
        $EntryType = $IPFilter.FieldValues.EntryType
        If ($EntryType -eq "Allow") {$EntryTypeBL = $True} else {$EntryTypeBL = $False}
        $IPAddress = $IPFilter.FieldValues.IPAddress
        $SubNetMask = $IPFilter.FieldValues.SubNetMask
        $DomainName = $IPFilter.FieldValues.DomainName
        $Summary = ($EntryTypeBL.tostring() + "-" + $IPAddress + "-" +  $SubNetMask + "-" + $DomainName).replace(" ","")

        If ($IPFilter) {
            #Check if this IP Filter was set on this machine.
            IF ($IPFilter.FieldValues.MachineName -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME) {
                #Find IIS OBject
                $PSlocation = "IIS:" + $IPFilter.FieldValues.ObjectName.Replace("/","\").Replace($env:COMPUTERNAME,"")
                $ConfigFilter = "/system.webserver/security/ipsecurity"
                If (-not(Test-Path $PSlocation)) {
                    $Message = "Can't remove IP filter. IIS object not found on IIS config."
                    Set-PnPListItem -List $List.Id -Identity $RemoveIPFilter.Id.ToString() -Values @{Error=1;Exception=$Message}
                    Write-Host $Message 
                Else {
                    #Zoek de IP Filter rule
                    $Config = Get-WebConfiguration -Filter $ConfigFilter -PSPath $PSlocation
                    [int]$Index = 0
                    Foreach ($Rule in $Config.Collection) {
                        $RuleSummary = ($Rule.allowed.tostring() + "-" + $Rule.ipAddress +" - "+$Rule.subnetMask +" - "+ $Rule.domainName).replace(" ","")
                        if ($RuleSummary -eq $Summary) {

                            Try {
                                Remove-WebConfigurationProperty -PSPath $PSlocation -Filter $ConfigFilter -Name Collection -AtIndex $Index
                                Set-PnPListItem -List $List.Id -Identity $RemoveIPFilter.Id.ToString() -Values @{Processed=1}
                            Catch [System.Exception] {
                                Set-PnPListItem -List $List.Id -Identity $RemoveIPFilter.Id.ToString() -Values @{Error=1;Exception="Unexpected Error."+$_+"."} 
                                Write-host "Unexpected Error."$_ 


                        $Index = $Index + 1
        Else {
            $Message = "Error, IP filter not found."
            Set-PnPListItem -List $List.Id -Identity $RemoveIPFilter.Id.ToString() -Values @{Error=1;Exception=$Message}
            Write-Host $Message 
