
# FF Data Download
# (v)Kristan, Feb 2022
# History
# 21/02/2022 First Version

#Test 1 Get-FplSeasonData -Gameweek 26 -Season 21-22
#Test 2 Get-FplUserData -Gameweek 26 -Season 21-22 -BlockOfData 11

Function Get-FplUserData{
        #Names the File
        HelpMessage="What gameweek is it?")]
        [ValidateRange(1, 38)]

        #Names the folder and the file that the data will be put in
        HelpMessage="What season is it?")]

        #Assines a value to download a given block of user data
        HelpMessage= "Which block would you like to Download?")]
        [ValidateRange(1, 11)]

        #Downloads the data broken down into blocks of one million users
            #Test case to download 500 files


        $FolderPath = "C:\Data\fantasy\"+$Season+"_UserData_"+$StartID+"-"+$EndID+"\"
        if(Test-Path $FolderPath){
            Write-Host "Folder Exists"
            #PowerShell Create directory if not exists
            New-Item $FolderPath -ItemType Directory
            Write-Host "Folder Created successfully"
        #Loops throught the API loacation downloading one User's data at a time
        for($id=$StartID; $id -le $EndID; $id++){
            $File = "UserID_"+ $id +"_GW"+ $Gameweek +"_"+ $Season +".json"
            $FilePath = $FolderPath + $File
            $URI= $RootURL + "/entry/" + $id + "/history/"
            Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URI  | select-Object -ExpandProperty content | Out-File  -FilePath $FilePath
#Retrieves Player stats ("elements"), Gameweek Data ("events"), and Team data ("teams")
Function Get-FplSeasonData {
    HelpMessage="What gameweek is it?")]
    [ValidateRange(1, 38)]

    HelpMessage="What season is it?")]
        $date = Get-Date -Format FileDate
        $File = "GW"+$Gameweek+"_"+$date+".json"
        $FolderPath = "C:\Data\fantasy\"+$Season+"_Data\"
        $FilePath = $FolderPath + $File
        $URI= $RootURL + "/bootstrap-static/"
        if(Test-Path $FolderPath){
            Write-Host "Folder Exists"
            #PowerShell Create directory if not exists
            New-Item $FolderPath -ItemType Directory
            Write-Host "Folder Created successfully"
        Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URI  | select-Object -ExpandProperty content | Out-File  -FilePath $FilePath


export-modulemember -function Get-FplUserData
export-modulemember -function Get-FplSeasonData