
    Returns all BC environments from the host.
    A BC environment is any unique combination of databaseName + DatabaseServer + DatabaseInstanceName found on the installed BC Server Instances.
    Use the Get-BcEnvironment cmdlet to obtain any unique combination of databaseName + DatabaseServer + DatabaseInstanceName found on the installed BC Server Instances.
    The BC Environment contains the following details:
     - One or more Business Central Server Instances installed on the host connected to the same BC database.
     - BC tenants in the database including the BC license and installed BC extensions.
     - System information of the host.
     - Installed 4PS SSL Certificates.
    The environment name is [databaseServer](_[databaseInstanceName])_[databaseName]. White space characters are removed from the database name.

function Get-BcEnvironment {
    # Get all BC Server Instances and group them by unique environments (databaseName + DatabaseServer + DatabaseInstanceName)
    $bcEnvironmentGroups = Get-BCServerInstance | Group-Object -Property DatabaseName, SqlInstance
    # Create BC environment objects
    $bcEnvironments = @()
    foreach($environment in $bcEnvironmentGroups){
        # Skip invalid bc environments
        if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($[0].SqlInstance) -or
           [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($[0].DatabaseName)) {

        $bcEnvironments += New-Object psobject -Property (
            [ordered] @{
                'Name'              = '{0}_{1}' -f $[0].SqlInstance.Replace('\', '_'), $[0].DatabaseName.Replace(' ', '')
                'DatabaseName'      = $[0].DatabaseName
                'DatabaseServer'    = $[0].DatabaseServer
                'DatabaseInstance'  = $[0].DatabaseInstance
                'SqlInstance'       = $[0].SqlInstance
                'BcVersion'         = $[0].Version
                'BcServerInstances' = $
                'BcTenants'         = ''
                'FpsSslCert'        = Get-FpsPfxCertificate
                'System'            = Get-FpsComputerInfo

    # Add BC tenant and BC extension information to BC environment object
    foreach($environment in $bcEnvironments){
        $ActiveBcServerInstance = $environment.BcServerInstances | Where-Object -Property State -eq 'Running' | Select-Object -First 1 

            'No active Business Central Server Instances are found for environment ''{0}''' -f $environment.Name | Write-Host
        $environment.BcVersion = $ActiveBcServerInstance.Version
        $environment.BcTenants = Get-FpsBcTenant -ServerInstance $ActiveBcServerInstance.ServerInstance

    return $bcEnvironments

Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-BcEnvironment