
class BcAppSettings{
    hidden [System.Object] $_ServerInstance # Parent object [BCServerInstance]

        [System.Object] $ServerInstance
        $this._ServerInstance = $ServerInstance

    hidden [hashtable] GetBcAppSettings(){
        [scriptblock] $scriptBlock = {
                [string] $ServerInstance,
                [string] $ServicePathName

            # Get the Business Central Server Instance config file path from the service.
            $regex = 'config\s"(?<Config>.*?)"'
            $match = $ServicePathName | Select-String -Pattern $regex
            $bcsConfigPath = $match.Matches[0].Groups['Config'].Value
                if(Test-Path $bcsConfigPath){
                    # Get the ServerInstance appSettings config file path from the BCS config
                    [XML] $bcsConfig = Get-Content -Path $bcsConfigPath
                    $bcsAppSettingsConfigPath = $bcsConfig.configuration.appSettings.file

                    if($bcsAppSettingsConfigPath -eq 'CustomSettings.config'){
                        $bcsAppSettingsConfigPath = Join-Path ($bcsConfigPath | Split-Path -Parent) $bcsAppSettingsConfigPath

                if(Test-Path $bcsAppSettingsConfigPath){
                    # Read Business Central appSettings and convert the keys and values to hashtable
                    [XML] $bcsAppSettingsConfig = Get-Content -Path $bcsAppSettingsConfigPath

                    $bcsAppSettings = @{}
                    foreach($key in $bcsAppSettingsConfig.appSettings.add){
                        $bcsAppSettings += @{($key.key.ToString()) = $key.value}

            if(-not $bcsAppSettings){
                'Could not find the AppSettings for ServerInstance {0}' -f $serverInstance | Write-Warning

            return $bcsAppSettings

        $additionParams = @{}
        if(-not $this._ServerInstance._isLocalService){
            $additionParams = @{'ComputerName' = $this._ServerInstance._ComputerName}
        $result = Invoke-Command @additionParams -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -ArgumentList `
                    @($this._ServerInstance.ServerInstance, $this._ServerInstance._BcService.PathName)
        return $result
    [System.Object] Search (
        [string] $filter
        # Add wildcards if not pressent
        if($filter -notmatch '\*'){
            $filter = '*' + $filter + '*'
        return $this._ServerInstance.Appsettings | Select-Object -Property ('{0}' -f $filter)

    [void] Help (
        [string] $keyName
        $regex = '<!--[\r\n]+(?<helpText>([^>])*)-->[\r\n]\s+(?:<add key=")(?:{0}")' -f $keyName
        $customSettingsPath = Join-Path ($this._ServerInstance.GetInstallationFolder()) 'CustomSettings.config'
        $helpTextMatch = Get-Content -Path $customSettingsPath -Raw | 
                         Select-String -Pattern $regex | 
                         Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches
            $helpTextMatch.Groups['helpText'].Value.Replace(' ','') | Write-Host
        'Help text for Business Central configuration key ''{0}'' not found.' -f $keyName | Write-Warning

    hidden [void] SaveAppSetting (
        [string] $Key,    
        [string] $Value
        [scriptblock] $scriptBlock = {
                [string[]] $BcModulesPath,
                [string] $ServerInstance,
                [string] $Key,
                [string] $Value,
                [string] $PreviousValue

            $BcModulesPath | Import-Module -Force

            "Updating setting '{0}' from '{1}' to '{2}' on ServerInstance {3}." -f
                $Key, $PreviousValue, $Value, $ServerInstance | Write-Host
            Set-NAVServerConfiguration -ServerInstance $ServerInstance -KeyName $Key -KeyValue $Value -Force
        $additionParams = @{}
        if(-not $this._ServerInstance._isLocalService){
            $additionParams = @{'ComputerName' = $this._ServerInstance._ComputerName}
        Invoke-Command @additionParams -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -ArgumentList `
            @($this._ServerInstance.GetBcPsModules(), $this._ServerInstance.ServerInstance, 
              $Key, $Value, $this._ServerInstance._AppSettings.$Key)