
    Helper function for agent roles for New-FreshServiceAgent.
    Helper function for agent roles that generates a PSObject to be passed to -roles parameter for New-FreshServiceAgent. Each individual role is a hash in the
    roles array that contains the attributes.
        * role_id: Unique ID of the role assigned.
        * assignment_scope: The scope in which the agent can use the permissions granted by this role. Possible values include
                            entire_helpdesk (all plans), member_groups (all plans; in the Pro and Enterprise plans, this also
                            includes groups that the agent is an observer of), specified_groups (Pro and Enterprise only), and assigned_items (all plans).
        * groups: Unique IDs of Groups in which the permissions granted by the role applies. Mandatory only when the assignment_scope is specified_groups,
                    and should be ignored otherwise.
        To get role_id, see Get-FreshServiceAgentRole
        To get group_id, see Get-FreshServiceAgentGroup
.PARAMETER role_id
    Unique ID of the role assigned
.PARAMETER assignment_scope
    The scope in which the agent can use the permissions granted by this role. Possible values include entire_helpdesk (all plans), member_groups (all plans;
    in the Pro and Enterprise plans, this also includes groups that the agent is an observer of), specified_groups (Pro and Enterprise only), and assigned_items (all plans).
    Unique IDs of Groups in which the permissions granted by the role applies. Mandatory only when the assignment_scope is specified_groups, and should be ignored otherwise.
    $newFreshServiceAgentRoleConfigSplat1 = @{
        role_id = 21000150301 #IT Ops Agent - Get-FreshServiceAgentRole
        assignment_scope = 'specified_groups'
        groups = 21000188388,21000188389 #Incident Team and Major Incident Team- Get-FreshServiceAgentGroup
    $newFreshServiceAgentRoleConfigSplat2 = @{
        role_id = 21000150294 #SD Supervisor - Get-FreshServiceAgentRole
        assignment_scope = 'specified_groups'
        groups = 21000188403 #Helpdesk Monitoring Team - Get-FreshServiceAgentGroup
    $agentRoles = foreach ($splat in @($newFreshServiceAgentRoleConfigSplat1, $newFreshServiceAgentRoleConfigSplat2)) {
        New-FreshServiceAgentRoleConfig @splat
    role_id assignment_scope groups
    ------- ---------------- ------
    21000150301 specified_groups {21000188388, 21000188389}
    21000150294 specified_groups {21000188403}
    Add multiple roles to an agent. First, add a role as IT Ops Agent for the Incident Team and Major Incident team as a specified group.
    Second add a role as SD Supervisor for the Helpdesk Monitoring Team.
    This module was developed and tested with Freshservice REST API v2.

function New-FreshServiceAgentRoleConfig {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]

    param (
            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = 'The role id'
            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = 'The scope in which the agent can use the permissions granted by this role. Possible values include entire_helpdesk (all plans), member_groups (all plans; in the Pro and Enterprise plans, this also includes groups that the agent is an observer of), specified_groups (Pro and Enterprise only), and assigned_items (all plans)'
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Unique IDs of Groups in which the permissions granted by the role applies. Mandatory only when the assignment_scope is specified_groups, and should be ignored otherwise.'
    begin {

    process {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($role_id)) {

            $jsonBody = @{}
                $PSItem -notin $PrivateData.FreshserviceBodyExclusions
                $jsonBody[$PSItem.ToLower()] = $PSBoundParameters[$PSItem]


    end {
