
    Returns a Freshservice ticket.
    Returns a Freshservice ticket via REST API.
.PARAMETER external_id
    External Id of the requester.
.PARAMETER first_name
    First name of the requester.
.PARAMETER last_name
    Last name of the requester.
.PARAMETER job_title
    Job title of the requester.
.PARAMETER primary_email
    Primary email address of the requester.
.PARAMETER secondary_emails
    Additional/secondary emails associated with the requester.
.PARAMETER work_phone_number
    Work phone number of the requester.
.PARAMETER mobile_phone_number
    Mobile phone number of the requester.
.PARAMETER department_ids
    Unique IDs of the departments associated with the requester.
.PARAMETER can_see_all_tickets_from_associated_departments
    Set to true if the requester must be allowed to view tickets filed by other members of the department, and false otherwise.
.PARAMETER can_see_all_changes_from_associated_departments
    Set to true if the requester must be allowed to view changes filed by other members of the department, and false otherwise.
.PARAMETER reporting_manager_id
    User ID of the requester's reporting manager.
.PARAMETER address
    Address of the requester.
.PARAMETER time_zone
    Time zone of the requester.
.PARAMETER time_format
    Time format for the requester.Possible values:12h (12 hour format)24h (24 hour format)
.PARAMETER language
    Language used by the requester. The default language is "en" (English).
.PARAMETER location_id
    Unique ID of the location associated with the requester.
.PARAMETER background_information
    Background information of the requester.
.PARAMETER custom_fields
    Key-value pair containing the names and values of the (custom) requester fields.
    New-FreshServicerequester -first_name 'John' -last_name 'Smith' -job_title 'QA Tester' -primary_email ''
    active : True
    address :
    background_information :
    can_see_all_tickets_from_associated_departments : False
    created_at : 3/31/2022 1:23:36 AM
    custom_fields : @{ad_location1=; ad_location2=}
    department_ids : {}
    external_id :
    first_name : John
    has_logged_in : False
    id : 18012783346
    is_agent : False
    job_title : QA Tester
    language : en
    last_name : Smith
    location_id :
    mobile_phone_number :
    primary_email :
    reporting_manager_id :
    secondary_emails : {}
    time_format : 12h
    time_zone : Eastern Time (US & Canada)
    updated_at : 3/31/2022 1:23:36 AM
    vip_user : False
    work_phone_number :
    Creates a a new Freshservice Requester.
    This module was developed and tested with Freshservice REST API v2.

function New-FreshServiceRequester {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]

    param (
            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = 'External Id of the requester.'
            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = 'First name of the requester.'
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Last name of the requester.'
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Job title of the requester.'
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Primary email address of the requester.'
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Additional/secondary emails associated with the requester.'
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Work phone number of the requester.'
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Mobile phone number of the requester.'
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Unique IDs of the departments associated with the requester'
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Set to true if the requester must be allowed to view changes filed by other members of the department, and false otherwise'
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Set to true if the requester must be allowed to view tickets filed by other members of the department, and false otherwise'
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'User ID of the requesters reporting manager.'
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Address of the requester.'
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Time zone of the requester. Read more here.'
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Time format for the requester.Possible values:12h (12 hour format)24h (24 hour format)'
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Language used by the requester. The default language is "en" (English). Read more here.'
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Unique ID of the location associated with the requester.'
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Background information of the requester.'
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Key-value pair containing the names and values of the (custom) requester fields.'
    begin {

        $PrivateData  = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.PrivateData

        if (!$PrivateData.FreshserviceBaseUri) {
            throw "No connection found! Setup a new Freshservice connection with New-FreshServiceConnection and then Connect-FreshService. Set a default connection with New-FreshServiceConnection or Set-FreshConnection to automatically connect when importing the module."

        $uri = [System.UriBuilder]('{0}/requesters' -f $PrivateData['FreshserviceBaseUri'])

    process {

        $jsonBody = @{}
            $PSItem -notin $PrivateData.FreshserviceBodyExclusions
            #if ($PSBoundParameters[$PSItem] -is [boolean]) {
            # $jsonBody[$PSItem.ToLower()] = [int]$PSBoundParameters[$PSItem]
            #else {
                $jsonBody[$PSItem.ToLower()] = $PSBoundParameters[$PSItem]

        try {
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($uri.Uri.AbsoluteUri)) {

                $params = @{
                    Uri         = $uri.Uri.AbsoluteUri
                    Method      = 'POST'
                    Body        = $jsonBody | ConvertTo-Json
                    ErrorAction = 'Stop'

                $result = Invoke-FreshworksRestMethod @params

                if ($result.Content) {
                    $content = $result.Content |

                    #API returns singluar or plural property based on the number of records, parse to get property returned.
                    $objProperty = $content[0].PSObject.Properties.Name
                    Write-Verbose -Message ("Returning {0} property with count {1}" -f $objProperty, $content."$($objProperty)".Count)

        catch {
            Throw $_

    end {}