
    Helper function to create item relationship types for New-FreshServiceRelationship.
    Helper function to create item relationship types for New-FreshServiceRelationship. Relationships can be created between
    Asset, Requester, Agent, Department or Software. This helper function assists with generation of the PSObject within the confines
    of the documentation for the -relationship_item parameter.
.PARAMETER relationship_type_id
    Unique id of the relationship type. See Get-FreshserviceRelationshipType.
.PARAMETER primary_id
    Display ID of the entity from which the relationship will be created.
.PARAMETER primary_type
    Type of the entity from which the relationship will be created. Supported values are asset, requester, agent, department or software.
.PARAMETER secondary_id
    Display ID of the entity from which the relationship will be created.
.PARAMETER secondary_type
    Type of the entity from which the relationship will be created. Supported values are asset, requester, agent, department or software.
    $newFreshServiceRelationshipItemSplat = @{
        relationship_type_id = 21000356921 #Get-FreshServiceRelationshipType
        primary_id = 42
        primary_type = 'asset'
        secondary_id = 41
        secondary_type = 'asset'
    New-FreshServiceRelationshipItem @newFreshServiceRelationshipItemSplat
    secondary_type : asset
    secondary_id : 41
    relationship_type_id : 21000356921
    primary_type : asset
    primary_id : 42
    Create a relationship item.
    This module was developed and tested with Freshservice REST API v2.

function New-FreshServiceRelationshipItem {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]

    param (
            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = 'Unique id of the relationship type.',
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = 'Display ID of the entity from which the relationship will be created.',
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = 'v',
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
        [ValidateSet('asset', 'requester', 'agent', 'department', 'software')]
            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = 'Display ID of the entity from which the relationship will be created.',
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = 'Type of the entity from which the relationship will be created.',
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
        [ValidateSet('asset', 'requester', 'agent', 'department', 'software')]
    begin {

    process {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($relationship_type_id)) {
            $jsonBody = @{}
                $PSItem -notin $PrivateData.FreshserviceBodyExclusions
                $jsonBody[$PSItem.ToLower()] = $PSBoundParameters[$PSItem]

    end {}