
#requires -version 3
#requires -RunAsAdministrator

function Start-FudgePop {
        Run a FudgePop Process
        Runs a FudgePop client process. If Install-FudgePop has not yet been
        executed, you will be prompted to do that first, in order to configure the
        options required to support FudgePop. Otherwise, it will import the control
        XML file and process the instructions it provides.
    .PARAMETER TestMode
        Force WhatIf and Verbose output
        Start-FudgePop -TestMode
        Start-FudgePop -Verbose

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True)]
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $False, HelpMessage = "Run in Test Mode only")]
        [switch] $TestMode
    $ModuleData = Get-Module FudgePop
    $ModuleVer = $ModuleData.Version -join '.'

    Write-Host "FudgePop $ModuleVer -" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    Write-FPLog 'Checking for newer module version'
    try {
        Update-Module -Name FudgePop -Confirm:$False
    catch {
        Write-Warning "Unable to update FudgePop PowerShell module. May require manual update."
        Write-Error $_.Exception.Message
    $ControlFile = Get-FPConfiguration -Name "ControlFile" -Default ""
    if ($ControlFile -eq "") {
        Write-FPLog -Category 'Warning' -Message 'FudgePop has not been configured yet. Run Install-FudgePop to set default options.'
        Write-Warning 'FudgePop has not been configured yet. Run Install-FudgePop to set default options.'
    else {
        $ControlData = Get-FPControlData -FilePath $ControlFile
        if (Get-FPServiceAvailable -DataSet $ControlData) {
            Write-Verbose "FudgePop is active."
            Set-FPConfiguration -Name "LastStartTime" -Data (Get-Date) | Out-Null
            if ($TestMode) {
                Set-FPConfiguration -Name "LastRunMode" -Data 'TestMode' | Out-Null
            else {
                Set-FPConfiguration -Name "LastRunMode" -Data 'Live' | Out-Null
            Invoke-FPControls -DataSet $ControlData
            Set-FPConfiguration -Name "LastFinishTime" -Data (Get-Date) | Out-Null
            Set-FPConfiguration -Name "LastRunUser" -Data $env:USERNAME | Out-Null
        else {
            Write-FPLog "FudgePop is not currently active."

Export-ModuleMember -Function Start-FudgePop