
    Request Authorization code to work with GoogleDrive
    Request Authorization code to work with GoogleDrive
    If user logged into google account or username/password supplied that can be automatic
    NOT intended for use in scripts! Only cmdline with UI and real user behind the keyboard
    OAuth2 Client ID
.PARAMETER ClientSecret
    OAuth2 Client Secret
.PARAMETER Automatic
    DANGEROUS! Try to automatically approve access
.PARAMETER Credential
    DANGEROUS! Google account username/password to automatic code request
.PARAMETER RefreshToken
    OAuth2 RefreshToken
    $oauth_json = $oauth | ConvertFrom-Json
    $code = Request-GDriveAuthorizationCode -ClientID $oauth_json.web.client_id -ClientSecret $oauth_json.web.client_secret
    Request-GDriveRefreshToken -ClientID $oauth_json.web.client_id -ClientSecret $oauth_json.web.client_secret -AuthorizationCode $code
    $oauth_json = $oauth | ConvertFrom-Json
    $code = Request-GDriveAuthorizationCode -ClientID $oauth_json.web.client_id -ClientSecret $oauth_json.web.client_secret -Automatic
    Request-GDriveRefreshToken -ClientID $oauth_json.web.client_id -ClientSecret $oauth_json.web.client_secret -AuthorizationCode $code
    Author: Max Kozlov

function Request-GDriveAuthorizationCode {
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0, ParameterSetName='auto')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0, ParameterSetName='manual')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=1, ParameterSetName='auto')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=1, ParameterSetName='manual')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName='auto')]


        [string]$RedirectUri = ''
    If ($PSBoundParameters['Debug']) { $DebugPreference = 'Continue' }

    $scope = [System.Uri]::EscapeDataString($GDriveAuthScope)
    $Uri = '{0}?access_type={1}&response_type={2}&prompt={3}&client_id={4}&redirect_uri={5}&scope={6}&include_granted_scopes={7}' -f
        $GDriveAccountsTokenUri, 'offline', 'code', 'consent',
        $ClientID, [System.Uri]::EscapeDataString($RedirectUri), $scope, 'true'

    Write-Verbose $Uri
    Write-Debug "ErrorActionPreference $ErrorActionPreference"

    try {
        $ie = New-Object -ComObject InternetExplorer.Application
    catch {
        throw "Unsupported. Can't load InternetExplorer COM Application: ($_.Exception)"

    #code variant
    #while ($ie.ReadyState -ne 4)
    #$ie.Document.getElementById("email").value = $username

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Debug') -or (-not $Automatic)) {
        Write-Debug 'Not automatic access'
        $ie.Visible = $true
        $Automatic = $false

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Credential') -and -Not ($Credential)) {
        $Credential = Get-Credential
    if ($Credential) {
        $Username = $Credential.UserName
        $Password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
    else {
        $Username = $Password = $null

    $loginstate = 0
    $forms = $email = $emailbutton = $passwd = $passwdbutton = $accessbutton = $null
    do {
        try {
            do {
                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
            } while ($ie.Busy -eq $true)
            $forms = $ie.Document | Select-Object -ExpandProperty forms
            $formparent = $forms | ForEach-Object { $_.parentNode.parentNode }
            $formnext = $formparent.nextSibling
            $child = $formnext.firstChild
            while ($null -ne $child) {
                $btnattr = $child.attributes | Where-Object { $_.nodeName -eq 'role' -and $_.nodeValue -eq 'button' }
                if ($null -ne $btnattr) {
                    if ($loginstate -eq 0) {
                        $emailbutton = $child
                    elseif ($loginstate -eq 1) {
                        $passwdbutton = $child
                    elseif ($loginstate -eq 2) {
                        $accessbutton = $child
                $child = $child.firstChild
            $forms.Item(0) | Foreach-Object {
                $object = $_
                Write-Debug "Found $($"
                switch ($ {
                    'identifierId' {
                        Write-Debug 'identifierId field found'
                        $email = $object
                    'Email' {
                        Write-Debug 'Email field found'
                        $email = $object
                    'next' {
                        Write-Debug 'Email next button found'
                        $emailbutton = $object
                    'Passwd' {
                        Write-Debug 'Passwd field found'
                        $passwd = $object
                    'signIn' {
                        Write-Debug 'Signin button found'
                        $passwdbutton = $object
                    'submit_approve_access' {
                        Write-Debug 'Approve access button found'
                        $accessbutton = $object
                    'logincaptcha' {
                        Write-Warning 'Captcha found !'
                        $ie.Visible = $true
                        $Automatic = $false
                    '' {
                        if ($object.type -eq 'password') {
                            Write-Debug 'Password field found'
                            $passwd = $object
            } # foreach

            Write-Debug "loginstate $loginstate"
            if ($ie.Document.url -match "^$RedirectUri") {
                Write-Debug "Exiting IE cycle"
                $loginstate = 4
            elseif ($email -and $emailbutton) {
                $loginstate = 1
                if ($UserName) {
                    Write-Debug 'Username present'
                    if ($Automatic) {
                        Write-Debug 'Next Click'
                        $email.Value = $UserName
                        try { $emailbutton.Click() } catch { Write-Debug "Email click Error $_" }
                else {
                    Write-Debug 'Username not present'
                    Write-Warning 'Username not found, turn off Automatic'
                    $ie.Visible = $true
                    $Automatic = $false
            elseif ($passwd -and $passwdbutton) {
                $loginstate = 2
                if ($Password) {
                    Write-Debug 'Password present'
                    if ($Automatic) {
                        Write-Debug 'Passwd Click'
                        $passwd.Value = $Password
                        try { $passwdbutton.Click() } catch { Write-Debug "Password click Error $_" }
                else {
                    Write-Debug 'Password not present'
                    Write-Warning 'Password not found, turn off Automatic'
                    $ie.Visible = $true
                    $Automatic = $false
            elseif ($accessbutton) {
                $loginstate = 3
                if ($Automatic) {
                    Write-Debug 'Approve Click'
                    try { $accessbutton.Click() } catch { Write-Debug "Approve click Error $_" }
        catch {
            $loginstate = -1
            $err = $_
        $forms = $email = $emailbutton = $passwd = $passwdbutton = $accessbutton = $null
    } until ($loginstate -eq 4)

    if ($loginstate -eq -1) {
        Write-Error $err
    else {
        $url = $ie.Document.url
        if ($Automatic) {
        $ie = $null
        [System.GC]::Collect(); [System.GC]::WaitForPendingFinalizers(); [System.GC]::Collect()
        if ($url -match "/?code=") {
            $code = $url -replace '.*/?code=' -replace '[&#].*'
        else {
            Write-Error ($url -replace '.*/?error=' -replace '[&#].*') -Category PermissionDenied