
function Export-GptPermission
        Export the permissions assigned on GPOs
        Export the permissions assigned on GPOs.
        Note: This command is currently fairly slow so give it some time.
        The path where to create the export.
        Must be an existing folder.
        Filter GPOs to process by name.
    .PARAMETER GpoObject
        Specify GPOs to process by object.
    .PARAMETER IncludeInherited
        Include inherited permissions in the export.
        By default, only explicit permissiosn are exported.
        Note: By default, all GPOs in a windows domain only have explicit permissions set.
        This will have little impact in most scenarios.
    .PARAMETER Domain
        The domain to export from.
        PS C:\> Export-GptPermission -Path '.'
        Exports permissions of all GPOs into the current folder.

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript({ Test-Path -Path $_ })]
        $Name = '*',
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        $Domain = $env:USERDNSDOMAIN
        Write-Verbose "Preparing Filters"
        $select_Name = @{ name = 'GpoName'; expression = { $gpoItem.DisplayName } }
        $select_Path = @{ name = 'GpoPath'; expression = { $gpoItem.Path } }
        $select_SID = @{ name = 'SID'; expression = { (Resolve-ADPrincipal -Name $_.IdentityReference -Domain $Domain).SID } }
        $select_RID = @{ name = 'RID'; expression = { (Resolve-ADPrincipal -Name $_.IdentityReference -Domain $Domain).RID } }
        $select_IsBuiltin = @{ name = 'IsBuiltIn'; expression = { (Resolve-ADPrincipal -Name $_.IdentityReference -Domain $Domain).IsBuiltIn } }
        $select_PrincipalType = @{ name = 'PrincipalType'; expression = { (Resolve-ADPrincipal -Name $_.IdentityReference -Domain $Domain).Type } }
        [System.Collections.ArrayList]$accessList = @()
        Write-Verbose "Resolving Policies to process"
        $gpoObjects = $GpoObject
        if (-not $GpoObject)
            $gpoObjects = Get-GPO -All -Domain $Domain | Where-Object DisplayName -Like $Name
        Write-Verbose "Found $($gpoObjects.Count) Policies"
        $accessData = foreach ($gpoItem in $gpoObjects)
            Write-Verbose "Processing policy: $($gpoItem.DisplayName)"
            $adObject = Get-ADObject -Identity $gpoItem.Path -Server $gpoItem.DomainName -Properties ntSecurityDescriptor
            $adObject.ntSecurityDescriptor.Access | Where-Object {
                $IncludeInherited -or -not $_.IsInherited
            } | Select-Object $select_Name, $select_Path, '*', $select_SID, $select_RID, $select_IsBuiltin, $select_PrincipalType
        Write-Verbose "Found $($accessData.Count) permission entries."
        $null = $accessList.AddRange($accessData)
        Write-Verbose "Exorting to file"
        $accessList | Export-Csv -Path (Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath "gp_permissions_$($Domain).csv") -Encoding UTF8 -NoTypeInformation