
function Import-GptLink
        Imports GPO Links.
        Imports GPO Links.
        Use this to restore the exported links in their original order (or as close to it as possible).
        The path from which to pick up the import file.
        Only restore links of matching GPOs
    .PARAMETER Domain
        The domain into which to import.
        PS C:\> Import-GptLink -Path '.'
        Import GPO Links based on the exported links stored in the current path.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        $Name = '*',
        $Domain = $env:USERDNSDOMAIN
        #region Utility Functions
        function Get-OU
                Retrieves an OU. Caches results.
                Retrieves an OU. Caches results.
                Results are cached separately for each domain/server.
            .PARAMETER DistinguishedName
                The name of the OU to check.
            .PARAMETER Server
                The domain or server to check against.
                PS C:\> Get-OU -DistinguishedName $dn -Server $Domain
                Return the OU pointed at with $dn if it exists.

            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            if (-not $script:targetOUs) { $script:targetOUs = @{ } }
            if (-not $script:targetOUs[$Server]) { $script:targetOUs[$Server] = @{ } }
            if ($script:targetOUs[$Server].ContainsKey($DistinguishedName))
                return $script:targetOUs[$Server][$DistinguishedName]
                $paramGetADOrganizationalUnit = @{
                    Identity    = $DistinguishedName
                    Server        = $Server
                    Properties  = 'gpLink'
                    ErrorAction = 'Stop'
                $script:targetOUs[$Server][$DistinguishedName] = Get-ADOrganizationalUnit @paramGetADOrganizationalUnit
            catch { $script:targetOUs[$Server][$DistinguishedName] = $null }
            return $script:targetOUs[$Server][$DistinguishedName]
        function Set-GPLinkSet
            [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
            param (
            foreach ($linkItem in $LinkObject)
                $linkItem.Index = [int]($linkItem.Index)
                $linkItem.TotalCount = [int]($linkItem.TotalCount)
            $orgUnit = Get-OU -DistinguishedName $LinkObject[0].TargetOU -Server $Domain
            $insertIndex = 1
            foreach ($linkItem in ($LinkObject | Sort-Object Index))
                if ($orgUnit.LinkedGroupPolicyObjects -contains $linkItem.Policy.CleanedPath)
                    $insertIndex = $orgUnit.LinkedGroupPolicyObjects.IndexOf($linkItem.Policy.CleanedPath) + 1
                $paramSetGPLink = @{
                    LinkEnabled = 'Yes'
                    Guid        = $linkItem.Policy.ID
                    Order        = $insertIndex
                    Domain        = $Domain
                    Enforced    = 'No'
                    Target        = $orgUnit
                    Server        = $Server
                    ErrorAction = 'Stop'
                if ($linkItem.State -eq "1") { $paramSetGPLink['LinkEnabled'] = 'No' }
                if ($linkItem.State -eq "2") { $paramSetGPLink['Enforced'] = 'Yes' }
                    $null = New-GPLink @paramSetGPLink
                    New-ImportResult -Action 'Importing Group Policy Links' -Step 'Applying Link' -Target $linkItem.GpoName -Data $linkItem -Success $true
                    New-ImportResult -Action 'Importing Group Policy Links' -Step 'Applying Link' -Target $linkItem.GpoName -Data $linkItem -Success $false -ErrorData $_
        #endregion Utility Functions
        $PSDefaultParameterValues['New-ImportResult:Action'] = 'Importing Group Policy Links'
        $PSDefaultParameterValues['New-ImportResult:Success'] = $false
        $pathItem = Get-Item -Path $Path
        if ($pathItem.Extension -eq '.csv') { $resolvedPath = $pathItem.FullName }
        else { $resolvedPath = (Get-ChildItem -Path $pathItem.FullName -Filter 'gp_links_*.csv' | Select-Object -First 1).FullName }
        if (-not $resolvedPath) { throw "Could not find GPO Links file in $($pathItem.FullName)" }
        $domainObject = Get-ADDomain -Server $Domain
        $policyObjects = Get-GPO -All -Domain $Domain | Select-Object *, @{
            Name       = 'CleanedPath'
            Expression = { $_.Path -replace $_.ID, $_.ID }
        $linkData = Import-Csv $resolvedPath | Where-Object {
            Test-Overlap -ReferenceObject $_.GpoName -DifferenceObject $Name -Operator Like
        } | Select-Object *, @{
            Name            = "Policy"
            Expression        = {
                $linkItem = $_
                $policyObjects | Where-Object DisplayName -EQ $linkItem.GpoName
        }, @{
            Name                                                                       = "TargetOU"
            Expression                                                                   = {
                '{0},{1}' -f ($_.OUDN -replace ',DC=\w+'), $domainObject.DistinguishedName
        $groupedLinks = $linkData | Group-Object -Property GpoName
        $groupedLinks | Where-Object Name -NotIn $policyObjects.DisplayName | ForEach-Object {
            New-ImportResult -Step 'Checking GPO existence' -Target $_.Name -Data $_.Group -ErrorData "GPO $($_.Name) does not exist"
        $linksPolicyExists = ($groupedLinks | Where-Object Name -In $policyObjects.DisplayName).Group
        $linksPolicyExists | Where-Object { -not (Get-OU -DistinguishedName $_.TargetOU -Server $Domain) } | ForEach-Object {
            New-ImportResult -Step 'Checking OU existence' -Target $_.GpoName -Data $_ -ErrorData "OU $($_.TargetOU) does not exist, cannot link $($_.GpoName)"
        $linksToProcess = $linksPolicyExists | Where-Object { Get-OU -DistinguishedName $_.TargetOU -Server $Domain }
        $groupedToProcess = $linksToProcess | Group-Object -Property TargetOU
        foreach ($linkSet in $groupedToProcess)
            Set-GPLinkSet -LinkObject $linkSet.Group -Domain $domainObject.DNSRoot -AllGpos $policyObjects -Server $domainObject.PDCEmulator