
function New-MigrationTable
        Creates a new migration table used for GPO imports.
        Creates a new migration table used for GPO imports.
        In this table, all source identities get matched to fitting destination identities.
        This ensures, that all identity references within GPOs remain intact.
        The path where to spawn the migration table.
        Specify a folder, the file will be named '<DomainName>.migtable'
    .PARAMETER BackupPath
        The path where the GPO backups are stored.
    .PARAMETER Domain
        The domain the backup will be restored to.
        Defaults to the current user's domain.
        PS C:\> New-MigrationTable -Path '.' -BackupPath '.'
        Creates a migration table in the current path and looks in the current path for backup folders.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        $Domain = $env:USERDNSDOMAIN
        $resolvedPath = (Resolve-Path $Path).ProviderPath
        $resolvedBackupPath = (Resolve-Path $BackupPath).ProviderPath
        $writePath = Join-Path -Path $resolvedPath -ChildPath "$Domain.migtable"
        #region Resolving source and destination Domain Names
        $domainObject = Get-ADDomain -Server $Domain
        $destDomainDNS = $domainObject.DNSRoot
        $destDomainNetBios = $domainObject.NetBIOSName
        if ($script:sourceDomainData)
            $sourceDomainDNS = $script:sourceDomainData.DomainDNSName
            $sourceDomainNetBios = $script:sourceDomainData.NetBIOSName
        elseif ($script:identityMapping.Count -gt 0)
            $sourceDomainDNS = $script:identityMapping[0].DomainFqdn
            $sourceDomainNetBios = $script:identityMapping[0].DomainName
            throw "Unable to determine source domain. Run Import-GptDomainData or Import-GptIdentity first!"
        #endregion Resolving source and destination Domain Names
        #region Preparing imported identities
        $explicitIdentityMappings = foreach ($identity in $script:identityMapping)
            if (($identity.IsBuiltIn -eq 'True') -and ($identity.SID -like "*-32-*"))
                    Source = $identity.Name
                    Target = $identity.Target
                    Source = ('{0}\{1}' -f $sourceDomainNetBios, $identity.Name)
                    Target = ('{0}\{1}' -f $destDomainNetBios, $identity.Target)
                    Source = ('{0}@{1}' -f $identity.Name, $sourceDomainDNS)
                    Target = ('{0}@{1}' -f $identity.Target, $destDomainDNS)
        #endregion Preparing imported identities
        #region Preparing basic migration table
        $groupPolicyManager = New-Object -ComObject GPMgmt.GPM
        $migrationTable = $groupPolicyManager.CreateMigrationTable()
        $constants = $groupPolicyManager.getConstants()
        $backupDirectory = $groupPolicyManager.GetBackupDir($resolvedBackupPath)
        $backupList = $backupDirectory.SearchBackups($groupPolicyManager.CreateSearchCriteria())
        foreach ($policyBackup in $backupList)
            $migrationTable.Add(0, $policyBackup)
            $migrationTable.Add($constants.ProcessSecurity, $policyBackup)
        #endregion Preparing basic migration table
        #region Applying identity and UNC mappings
        foreach ($entry in $migrationTable.GetEntries())
            switch ($entry.EntryType)
                    if ($entry.Source -like "\\$sourceDomainDNS\*")
                        $null = $migrationTable.UpdateDestination($entry.Source, $entry.Source.Replace("\\$sourceDomainDNS\", "\\$destDomainDNS\"))
                    if ($entry.Source -like "\\$sourceDomainNetBios\*")
                        $null = $migrationTable.UpdateDestination($entry.Source, $entry.Source.Replace("\\$sourceDomainNetBios\", "\\$destDomainNetBios\"))
                { $constants.EntryTypeUser, $constants.EntryTypeGlobalGroup, $constants.EntryTypeUniversalGroup, $constants.EntryTypeUnknown -contains $_ } {
                    if ($mapping = $explicitIdentityMappings | Where-Object Source -EQ $entry.Source)
                        $null = $migrationTable.UpdateDestination($entry.Source, $mapping.Target)
        #endregion Applying identity and UNC mappings