
function New-BIGIQAuthenticationToken {
    Aquires an authorization token from a BIG-IQ or BIG-IP device; saving it into a session object for use in future calls.

    Given a fully qualified RootUrl and appropriate user Credential, this posts to the authn endpoint on a BIG-IP or BIG-IQ device. The resulting authentication token is stored in a session object that Invoke-BIGIQRestRequest will use automatically. The LoginReference (alias LoginProviderName) will adjust the login payload appropriately.

    .PARAMETER RootUrl
    The fully qualified URL to the root of your BIG-IP or BIG-IQ device.

    .PARAMETER Credential
    The credentials for authenticating with the BIG-IP or BIG-IQ device.

    .PARAMETER LoginReference
    The URL to the login provider (typically for BIG-IQ) or the simple name of the provider (for BIG-IP). If a URL the login will add this login reference within a 'link' property in the 'loginReference' payload property. Defaults to 'tmos'.

    .PARAMETER PassThru
    Will return the authorization token that you can use yourself for other purposes. Or to switch between different devices.

    New-BIGIQAuthentication -RootUrl '' -Credential (Get-Credential)



        $LoginReference = 'tmos',


    $requestParameters = @{
        username = $credential.Username
        password = $credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password

    try {
        # BIG-IQ will use Login Reference with a link property for things like LDAP.
        # Those are specified via a fully qualified uri. If that is what's provided
        # form this additional parameter for the login appropriately.
        $test = New-Object System.Uri($loginReference)
        Write-Verbose 'Setting login reference'
        $requestParameters.loginReference = @{ link = $loginReference }
    } catch [System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException] {

        # If the given 'reference' is not a uri, simply default to the BIG-IP format.
        if($PSItem.Exception.Message -like '*Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.*') {
            Write-Verbose 'Setting login provider name'
            $requestParameters.loginProviderName = $loginReference

    $requestOptions = @{
        Uri = $rootUrl + '/mgmt/shared/authn/login'
        Body = ConvertTo-Json $requestParameters -Depth 2 -Compress
        Method = 'POST'
        UseBasicParsing = $true

    Write-Verbose 'Getting BIG-IQ access token'
    $response = Invoke-RestMethod @requestOptions
    $BIGIQSession.rootUrl = $rootUrl
    $BIGIQSession.authResponse = $response
    $BIGIQSession.token = $response.token.token # Yes, token twice.

    if($PassThru.IsPresent) {
        $response | ConvertTo-Json | ConvertFrom-Json