
Function Get-GW2Currency {
    Get the currencies from Guild Wars 2 API

    DynamicParam {
        CommonGW2APIParameters -IDType "Currency"
    Process {
        $APIEndpoint = "currencies"
        Get-GW2APIValue -APIValue $APIEndpoint @PSBoundParameters

Function Get-GW2EventState {
    Get the events-state from Guild Wars 2 API

        [string]$GW2Profile = (Get-GW2DefaultProfile)
    Process {
        Get-GW2APIValue -APIValue "events-state" -GW2Profile $GW2Profile 
Function Get-GW2Mini {
        Get the minis/ from Guild Wars 2 API

    DynamicParam {
        CommonGW2APIParameters -IDType "Mini"
    Process {
        $APIEndpoint = "minis"
        Get-GW2APIValue -APIValue $APIEndpoint @PSBoundParameters

Function Get-GW2Novelty {
    Get the novelties from Guild Wars 2 API

    DynamicParam {
        CommonGW2APIParameters -IDType "Novelty"
    Process {
        $APIEndpoint = "novelties"
        Get-GW2APIValue -APIValue $APIEndpoint @PSBoundParameters
Function Get-GW2Raid {
    Get the raids/ from Guild Wars 2 API

    DynamicParam {
        CommonGW2APIParameters -IDType "Raid"
    Process {
        $APIEndpoint = "raids"
        Get-GW2APIValue -APIValue $APIEndpoint @PSBoundParameters
Function Get-GW2Title {
    Get the titles/ from Guild Wars 2 API

    DynamicParam {
        CommonGW2APIParameters -IDType "Title"
    Process {
        $APIEndpoint = "titles"
        Get-GW2APIValue -APIValue $APIEndpoint @PSBoundParameters

Function Get-GW2World {
    Get the worlds/ from Guild Wars 2 API

    DynamicParam {
        CommonGW2APIParameters -IDType "World"
    Process {
        $APIEndpoint = "worlds"
        Get-GW2APIValue -APIValue $APIEndpoint @PSBoundParameters

Function Get-GW2Build {
    Get the build from Guild Wars 2 API

    DynamicParam {
        CommonGW2APIParameters -IDType "Build"
    Process {
        $APIEndpoint = "build"
        Get-GW2APIValue -APIValue $APIEndpoint @PSBoundParameters

Function Get-GW2File {
    Get the files/ from Guild Wars 2 API

    DynamicParam {
        CommonGW2APIParameters -IDType "File"
    Process {
        $APIEndpoint = "files"
        Get-GW2APIValue -APIValue $APIEndpoint @PSBoundParameters

Function Get-GW2Quaggan {
    Get the quaggans/ from Guild Wars 2 API

    DynamicParam {
        CommonGW2APIParameters -IDType "Quaggan"
    Process {
        $APIEndpoint = "quaggans"
        Get-GW2APIValue -APIValue $APIEndpoint @PSBoundParameters

Function Get-GW2APIEndpointNoCache {
    Get a listing of all the endpoints that are dynamic enough they shouldn't be cached for long.

    DynamicParam {
    Begin {
        $NoCacheEndpoints = @(
    Process {
        If ($Details) {
            $NoCacheEndPoints | Get-GW2APIEndpoint @PSBoundParameters
        } else {

Function Get-GW2APIEndpointCacheable {
    Get a listing of all the endpoints that are static and should cause a problem to be cached.

    DynamicParam {
    Begin {
        $CacheableEndPoint = @(
    Process {
        If ($Details) {
            $CacheableEndPoint | ForEach-Object {
                Get-GW2APIEndpoint -EPName $_ @PSBoundParameters 
        } else {

Function Get-GW2APIEndpoint {
    Get a listing of all the endpoints and their stats

    DynamicParam {
        CommonGW2APIParameters -IDType Value
    Begin {
        $APILineRegEx = "/v2/(?<name>{0})(\s+\[(?<flags>[^\]]+)\])?"
        $v2Response = Get-GW2APIValue -Value ''
        $v2RespLineless = ($v2Response -replace "\r","%%r%%") -replace "\n","%%n%%"
        If ($v2RespLineless -match 'exposed by this API:(?<endpoints>.+)Key:') {
            $endpointLines = $matches.endpoints -split "%%r%%%%n%%"
    Process {
        If ($EPName) {
            $IDRegEx = $APILineRegEx -f [regex]::Escape($EPName)
            $endPointMatches = $endpointLines | Where-Object { $_ -match $IDRegEx }
            $ep = [PSCustomObject]@{
                Name = $
                Flags = $matches.flags -split ','
            $ep | Add-Member ScriptProperty Enabled { -not ($this.Flags -contains 'd')}
            $ep | Add-Member ScriptProperty AuthOnly { $this.Flags -contains 'a' }
            $ep | Add-Member ScriptProperty Localized { $this.Flags -contains 'l' }
            $ep | Add-Member ScriptProperty IDRequired { $this.Name -match '(:id)|(search)' }
        } else {
            $GeneralEPRegEx = $APILineRegEx -f "\S+"
            ForEach ($endPoint in $endpointLines) {
                If ($endPoint -match $GeneralEPRegEx) {
                    $ep = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        Name = $
                        Flags = $matches.flags -split ','
                    If ($Details) {
                        $ep | Add-Member ScriptProperty Enabled { -not ($this.Flags -contains 'd')}
                        $ep | Add-Member ScriptProperty AuthOnly { $this.Flags -contains 'a' }
                        $ep | Add-Member ScriptProperty Localized { $this.Flags -contains 'l' }
                        $ep | Add-Member ScriptProperty IDRequired { $this.Name -match '(:id)|(search)' }
                    } else {
                        $ep | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name