
    Gets the InstallReference of assemblies in the GAC
    Gets the InstallRefernence of assemblies in the GAC. InstallRefernence shows if an assembly
    is referenced by an installer.
.PARAMETER AssemblyName
    Specifies the assembly name. Must be fully qualified. See Test-AssemblyNameFullyQualified.
    C:\PS> Get-GacAssembly -Name System | Get-GacAssemblyInstallReference
    Type Identifier Description
    ---- ---------- -----------
    Opaque {71F8EFBF-09AF-418D-91F1-52707CDFA274} .NET Framework Redist Setup
    Opaque {71F8EFBF-09AF-418D-91F1-52707CDFA274} .NET Framework Redist Setup
    This example returns the InstallReferences from the System assemblies in the GAC.

function Get-GacAssemblyInstallReference
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [ValidateScript( { Test-AssemblyNameFullyQualified $_ } )]
        [System.Reflection.AssemblyName[]] $AssemblyName

        foreach ($assmName in $AssemblyName)