
    Determines whether the install reference can be used
    Determines whether the install reference can be used with Add-GacAssembly and Remove-GacAssembly. Only types Installer,
    FilePath en Opaque can be used. WindowsInstaller and OsInstall not.
.PARAMETER InstallReference
    Specifies the install reference to be tested
    C:\PS> Test-GacAssemblyInstallReferenceCanBeUsed (New-GacAssemblyInstallReference Opaque ([guid]::NewGuid()))
    C:\PS> Test-GacAssemblyInstallReferenceCanBeUsed (New-GacAssemblyInstallReference WindowsInstaller 'MSI')
    This example shows how you can determine if the install reference can be used.

function Test-GacAssemblyInstallReferenceCanBeUsed
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [PowerShellGac.InstallReference[]] $InstallReference
        foreach ($reference in $InstallReference)