
# =============================================================================
# Created On: 2018/06/20 @ 12:37
# Created By: Alcha
# Organization: HassleFree Solutions, LLC
# Filename: ProcessTools.ps1
# Description: Contains functions for handling processes on LINCLER.
# =============================================================================

  Retrieve the process(es) with the name of the currently focused program.

  A detailed description of the Get-ForegroundProcess function.

  The TimeSpan you wish to wait before actually getting the active app.
Mostly to give you time to switch applications and verify it shows the correct
application. You can pass in a New-TimeSpan object by referencing the examples.

.PARAMETER SimpleOutput
  If enabled, only the name of the currently active application/process is returned.

  PS C:\> Start-Sleep -Seconds 2; Get-ActiveProcess
  Handles NPM(K) PM(K) WS(K) CPU(s) Id SI ProcessName
  ------- ------ ----- ----- ------ -- -- -----------
  345 53 105664 78752 10.34 1388 1 chrome
  431 61 95380 84556 45.22 2708 1 chrome
  345 46 33084 27220 1.31 3116 1 chrome

  PS C:\> Start-Sleep -Seconds 2; Get-ActiveApp -Simple

  PS C:\> Get-ActiveApp -TimeDelay (New-TimeSpan -Seconds 5) -Simple

  System.Diagnostics.Process, System.Diagnostics.Process[]

  Created on 2018/06/13 @ 21:02

function Get-ActiveProcess {
  [Alias('Get-ForegroundApp', 'Get-ActiveApp', 'Get-ForegroundProcess')]
  [OutputType([System.Diagnostics.Process], [System.Diagnostics.Process[]])]
  param (
    [Parameter(Position = 0)]
    [Alias('Delay', 'Sleep')]
    [Parameter(Position = 1)]
    [Alias('Simple', 'CleanOutput', 'Clean')]
  begin {
    if ($TimeDelay -ne $null -and $TimeDelay.TotalMilliseconds -gt 0) {
      Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $TimeDelay.TotalMilliseconds
    $CSharp = Get-Content "$(Get-ScriptDirectory)\Utils\ProcessTools.cs" -Raw
    Add-Type -TypeDefinition $CSharp -Language CSharp

  process {
    $ProcessName = [Alcha.ProcessTools]::GetForegroundProcessName()
    if ($SimpleOutput.IsPresent) {
      return $ProcessName
    else {
      return (Get-Process -Name $ProcessName)

  end {
    Write-Verbose 'Active process retrieved...'