
function Get-VersionsChanged {
    param (
        [ValidateSet('minor', 'patch')]
        [string]$ChangeScope = 'minor'

    $Versions = @( $Versions | Select-Object -Unique | Sort-Object { [version]$_ } -Descending )
    $VersionsNew = @( $VersionsNew | Select-Object -Unique | Sort-Object { [version]$_ } -Descending )

    $versionsChanged = [ordered]@{}
    if ($Versions.Count -eq 0) {
        if ($VersionsNew.Count -eq 0) {
            "Both Versions and VersionsNew are empty" | Write-Verbose
        }else {
            $vnPrev = $null
            foreach ($vn in $VersionsNew) {
                $vn = [version]$vn
                if ($ChangeScope -eq 'minor') {
                    if ($vnPrev -and $vnPrev.Major -eq $vn.Major -and $vnPrev.Minor -eq $vn.Minor) {
                "Found new version: $vn" | Write-Verbose
                $versionsChanged["$vn"] = [ordered]@{
                    from = "$vn"
                    to = "$vn"
                    kind = 'new'
                $vnPrev = $vn
    }else {
        $vnPrev = $null
        foreach ($vn in $VersionsNew) {
            $vn = [version]$vn
            if ($ChangeScope -eq 'minor') {
                if ($vnPrev -and $vnPrev.Major -eq $vn.Major -and $vnPrev.Minor -eq $vn.Minor) {
            foreach ($v in $Versions) {
                $v = [version]$v
                if ($vn.Major -gt $v.Major) {
                    if (!$versionsChanged.Contains("$vn")) {
                        "Found new major version: $vn" | Write-Verbose
                        $versionsChanged["$vn"] = [ordered]@{
                            from = "$vn"
                            to = "$vn"
                            kind = 'new'
                if ($vn.Major -eq $v.Major -and $vn.Minor -gt $v.Minor) {
                    if (!$versionsChanged.Contains("$vn")) {
                        "Found new minor version: $vn" | Write-Verbose
                        $versionsChanged["$vn"] = [ordered]@{
                            from = "$vn"
                            to = "$vn"
                            kind = 'new'
                if ($vn.Major -eq $v.Major -and $vn.Minor -eq $v.Minor -and $vn.Build -gt $v.Build) {
                    if (!$versionsChanged.Contains("$vn")) {
                        "Found new patch version: $v to $vn" | Write-Verbose
                        if ($ChangeScope -eq 'patch') {
                            $versionsChanged["$vn"] = [ordered]@{
                                from = "$vn"
                                to = "$vn"
                                kind = 'new'
                            $versionsChanged["$v"] = [ordered]@{
                                from = "$v"
                                to = "$v"
                                kind = 'existing'
                        if ($ChangeScope -eq 'minor') {
                            $versionsChanged["$vn"] = [ordered]@{
                                from = "$v"
                                to = "$vn"
                                kind = 'update'
                if ($vn.Major -eq $v.Major -and $vn.Minor -eq $v.Minor -and $vn.Build -eq $v.Build) {
                    if (!$versionsChanged.Contains("$vn")) {
                        "Existing major.minor.patch version did not change: $v" | Write-Verbose
                        $versionsChanged["$v"] = [ordered]@{
                            from = "$v"
                            to = "$v"
                            kind = 'existing'
            $vnPrev = $vn

    if ($AsObject) {
        if ($Descending) {
        }else {
            $versionsChangedAsc = [ordered]@{}
            $versionsChanged.Keys | Sort-Object | % {
                $versionsChangedAsc[$_] = $versionsChanged[$_]
    }else {
        if ($Descending) {
            ,@( $versionsChanged.Keys )
        }else {
            ,@( $versionsChanged.Keys | Sort-Object )

        # $vMajMatch = $VersionsNew | ? { $vn = [version]$_; $vn.Major -eq $v.Major }
        # if ($vMajMatch) {
        # "Found new major version: $vMajMatch" | Write-Verbose
        # [pscustomobject]@{
        # from = ''
        # to = $vMajMatch.ToString()
        # }
        # }
        # $vMinMatch = $VersionsNew | ? { $vn = [version]$_; $vn.Major -eq $v.Major -and $vn.Minor -eq $v.Major }
        # if ($vMajMatch) {
        # "Found new major version: $vMajMatch" | Write-Verbose
        # [pscustomobject]@{
        # from = ''
        # to = $vMajMatch.ToString()
        # }
        # }

        # foreach ($vn in $VersionsNew) {
        # $vn = [version]$vn
        # if ($v.Major -lt $vn.Major) {
        # "Found new major version: $vn" | Write-Verbose
        # if (!$DryRun) {
        # $VERSIONS_CLONE = @( $vn.ToString() ) + $Versions.Clone()
        # $VERSIONS_CLONE | Sort-Object { [version]$_ } -Descending | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Set-Content $PSScriptRoot/generate/definitions/Versions.json -Encoding utf8
        # }
        # }elseif ($i -eq 0 -and $v.Major -eq $vn.Major -and $v.Minor -lt $vn.Minor) {
        # "Found new minor version: $vn" | Write-Verbose
        # if (!$DryRun) {
        # $VERSIONS_CLONE = @( $vn.ToString() ) + $Versions.Clone()
        # $VERSIONS_CLONE | Sort-Object { [version]$_ } -Descending | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Set-Content $PSScriptRoot/generate/definitions/Versions.json -Encoding utf8
        # }
        # "Found patch version: $v to $vn" | Write-Verbose
        # }elseif ($v.Major -eq $vn.Major -and $v.Minor -eq $vn.Minor -and $v.Build -lt $vn.Build) {
        # if (!$DryRun) {
        # $VERSIONS_CLONE = $Versions.Clone()
        # $VERSIONS_CLONE[$i] = $vn.ToString()
        # $VERSIONS_CLONE | Sort-Object { [version]$_ } -Descending | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Set-Content $PSScriptRoot/generate/definitions/Versions.json -Encoding utf8
        # }
        # }
        # }
    # }