$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -replace '\.Tests\.', '.' . "$here\$sut" Describe "Get-GitBranchSlug" { Context 'Behavior' { It 'Errors when commit message does not match convention' { $badCommitMsgs = @( 'Blabla: Add files' # Wrong type ' Enhancement: Add files' # Preceding space 'Enhancement: Add files' # Double space between ':' and description 'enhancement: Add files' # Wrong casing of type's first letter 'Enhancement: add files' # Wrong casing of description's first letter 'enhancement : Add files' # Extra space between type and ':' 'Enhancement(something): Add files' # No space between type and scope 'Enhancement (something):Add files' # No space between ':' and description 'Enhancement (something): Add files' # Extra space between type and scope 'Enhancement (something): Add files' # Extra space between ':' and description 'Enhancement ((something): Add files' # Non-word characters in scope ) $expectedError = "Check your commit message convention" foreach ($msg in $badCommitMsgs) { Get-GitBranchSlug -CommitMessage $msg -ErrorAction Continue -ErrorVariable err 2>$null $err.Exception.Message | Should -Match $expectedError { Get-GitBranchSlug -CommitMessage $msg -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Throw $expectedError } } It 'Gets the desired slug(s) with "/" after the commit message type' { $cases = @( @{ msg = 'Breaking: Add foo' expectedSlug = 'breaking/add-foo' } @{ msg = 'Breaking (foo): Add foo' expectedSlug = 'breaking/foo-add-foo' } @{ msg = 'Change: Add foo' expectedSlug = 'change/add-foo' } @{ msg = 'Change (foo): Add foo' expectedSlug = 'change/foo-add-foo' } @{ msg = 'Chore: Add foo' expectedSlug = 'chore/add-foo' } @{ msg = 'Chore (foo): Add foo' expectedSlug = 'chore/foo-add-foo' } @{ msg = 'Docs: Add foo' expectedSlug = 'docs/add-foo' } @{ msg = 'Docs (foo): Add foo' expectedSlug = 'docs/foo-add-foo' } @{ msg = 'Enhancement: Add foo' expectedSlug = 'enhancement/add-foo' } @{ msg = 'Enhancement (foo): Add foo' expectedSlug = 'enhancement/foo-add-foo' } @{ msg = 'Feature: Add foo' expectedSlug = 'feature/add-foo' } @{ msg = 'Feature (foo): Add foo' expectedSlug = 'feature/foo-add-foo' } @{ msg = 'Fix: Add foo' expectedSlug = 'fix/add-foo' } @{ msg = 'Fix (foo): Add foo' expectedSlug = 'fix/foo-add-foo' } @{ msg = 'Hotfix: Add foo' expectedSlug = 'hotfix/add-foo' } @{ msg = 'Hotfix (foo): Add foo' expectedSlug = 'hotfix/foo-add-foo' } @{ msg = 'Refactor: Add foo' expectedSlug = 'refactor/add-foo' } @{ msg = 'Refactor (foo): Add foo' expectedSlug = 'refactor/foo-add-foo' } @{ msg = 'Style: Add foo' expectedSlug = 'style/add-foo' } @{ msg = 'Style (foo): Add foo' expectedSlug = 'style/foo-add-foo' } ) foreach ($c in $cases) { Get-GitBranchSlug -CommitMessage $c['msg'] | Should -Be $c['expectedSlug'] Get-GitBranchSlug $c['msg'] | Should -Be $c['expectedSlug'] $c['msg'] | Get-GitBranchSlug | Should -Be $c['expectedSlug'] } } It 'Lowercase' { $msg = 'Fix: Fix Something' $expectedSlug = 'fix/fix-something' Get-GitBranchSlug -CommitMessage $msg | Should -Be $expectedSlug } It 'Strip preceding and trailing spaces' { $msg = 'Fix: Fix something ' $expectedSlug = 'fix/fix-something' Get-GitBranchSlug -CommitMessage $msg | Should -Be $expectedSlug } It "Replace characters which are not words or '.' with '-'" { $msg = 'Fix: Fix some!.@thing' $expectedSlug = 'fix/fix-some-.-thing' Get-GitBranchSlug -CommitMessage $msg | Should -Be $expectedSlug } It "Replace '*' with 'x'" { $msg = 'Fix: Fix some*thing' $expectedSlug = 'fix/fix-somexthing' Get-GitBranchSlug -CommitMessage $msg | Should -Be $expectedSlug } It "Replace contiguous '-' with single '-'" { $msg = 'Fix: Fix some---thing' $expectedSlug = 'fix/fix-some-thing' Get-GitBranchSlug -CommitMessage $msg | Should -Be $expectedSlug } It "Replace first '-' with '/'" { $msg = 'Fix: Fix Something' $expectedSlug = 'fix/fix-something' Get-GitBranchSlug -CommitMessage $msg | Should -Be $expectedSlug } It "Strip trailing '-'" { $msg = 'Fix: Fix Something---' $expectedSlug = 'fix/fix-something' Get-GitBranchSlug -CommitMessage $msg | Should -Be $expectedSlug } } } |