
function Get-ActiveUser
        Retrive list of active users on windows machine
        Uses WMI, CIM or Query.exe
        This module was created with a blogpost in mind
        Created by Jonas Sommer Nielsen
    .PARAMETER ComputerName / CN / IP / Hostname
        Optional: Specifies a remote computer to target
    .PARAMETER Method
        Optional: Specifies the method to retrieve logged on users. Query, CIM, WMI
    .PARAMETER Credential
        Optional: Specifies alternative credentials to use for the WMI connection
        Retrieves all users currently logged into the local machine
        Get-ActiveUser -ComputerName TestComputer -Method CIM
        Retrieves all users currently logged into the remote machine "TestComputer" using CIM
        Get-ActiveUser -ComputerName TestComputer -Method WMI -Credential (Get-Credential)
        Retrieves all users currently logged into the remote machine "TestComputer" using WMI.
        This will prompt for credentials to authenticate the connection.
        Author: Jonas Sommer Nielsen
        Revised: Ian Mott

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Standard Parameters', 
                HelpUri = '',
        # Computer name, IP, Hostname
                   HelpMessage="Default set to localhost",
        $ComputerName = $ENV:COMPUTERNAME,

        # Choose method, WMI, CIM or Query
            HelpMessage="Default set to WMI",
        $Method = "WMI",

        # Specify Credentials for the remote WMI/CIM queries
            HelpMessage="This is only required for WMI connections. Try the Query or CIM method?",

        Write-Verbose -Message "VERBOSE: Starting Begin"

        $Params = @{}

        if ($ComputerName -notin ($ENV:COMPUTERNAME,"localhost", "")) {
            if ($Method -in ("WMI","CIM")) {
                if ($Credential -and $Method -eq "WMI") {

            if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $ComputerName -Count 1 -Quiet) {
                Write-Verbose -Message "VERBOSE: Confirmed $ComputerName is reachable by ping"

                if (Test-WSMan @Params -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable error_WSMan) {
                    Write-Verbose -Message "VERBOSE: Successfully connected with WSMan"
                } else {
                    Write-Error -Message "ERROR: Failed to connect with WSMan. ErrorMessage: $error_WSMan" -RecommendedAction Stop
            } else {
                Write-Error -Message "ERROR: Could not reach $ComputerName by ping. Confirm the computer is reachable." -RecommendedAction Stop
        } else {
            Write-Verbose -Message "VERBOSE: ComputerName not set to a remote machine. No need to check for connectivity."
        Write-Verbose -Message "VERBOSE: Ending Begin"
        Write-Verbose -Message "VERBOSE: Starting Process"

        Write-Verbose "$Method selected as method"

        switch ($Method)
                Write-Verbose "Contacting $ComputerName via WMI"
                $WMI = (Get-WmiObject Win32_LoggedOnUser @Params).Antecedent

                $ActiveUsers = @()
                foreach($User in $WMI) {
                    $StartOfUsername = $User.LastIndexOf('=') + 2
                    $EndOfUsername = $User.Length - $User.LastIndexOf('=') -3
                    $ActiveUsers += $User.Substring($StartOfUsername,$EndOfUsername)
                $ActiveUsers = $ActiveUsers | Select-Object -Unique

                Write-Verbose "Contacting $ComputerName via CIM"
                $ActiveUsers = (Get-CimInstance Win32_LoggedOnUser @Params) | Select-Object -Unique

                Write-Verbose "Contacting $ComputerName via Query"
                $Template = @'
>{USER*:jonas} console 1 Active 1+00:27 24-08-2015 22:22
 {USER*:test} 2 Disc 1+00:27 25-08-2015 08:26
>{USER*:mrhvid} rdp-tcp#2 2 Active . 9/1/2015 8:54 PM

                $Query = query.exe user /server $ComputerName
                $ActiveUsers = $Query | ConvertFrom-String -TemplateContent $Template | Select-Object -ExpandProperty User


        Write-Verbose -Message "VERBOSE: Ending process"
        Write-Verbose -Message "VERBOSE: Starting End"

        # Create nice output format
        $UsersComputersToOutput = @()
        foreach($User in $ActiveUsers) {
             $UsersComputersToOutput += New-Object psobject -Property @{ComputerName=$ComputerName;UserName=$User}   

        # output data
        Write-Verbose -Message "VERBOSE: Ending End"