
    Thomas J. Malkewitz @dotps1
    Applocker, WinEvent

    Gets Applocker related events.
    Gets Applocker events based on given critera from the local or remote machine(s).
.Parameter Name
    The name of the system to get Applocker data against.
.Parameter EventType
    The type of Applocker events to get, the default value is all events from the Microsoft-Windows-AppLocker log provider.
.Parameter LogName
    The specific log to pull events from, the default value is all logs from the Microsoft-Windows-AppLocker log provider.
.Parameter Credential
    Credential object used for authentication.
.Parameter MaxEvents
    The maximum number of EventLogRecord objects to return.
.Parameter Oldest
    Returns EventLogRecord objects from oldest to newest.
.Parameter StartTime
    The starting range to get EventLogRecord objects from.
.Parameter EndTime
    The ending range to get EventLogRecord objects from.
    PS C:\> Get-ApplockerWinEvent -MaxEvents 2
        ProviderName: Microsoft-Windows-AppLocker
    TimeCreated Id LevelDisplayName Message
    ----------- -- ---------------- -------
    10/5/2017 8:17:59 AM 8005 Information %OSDRIVE%\USERS\dotps1\DOCUMENTS\GITHUB\PSFUNCTIONS\FUNCTIONS\GET-APPLOCKERWINEVENT.PS1 was allowed to run.
    10/5/2017 8:15:10 AM 8002 Information %PROGRAMFILES%\GIT\MINGW64\BIN\GIT.EXE was allowed to run.
    PS C:\> Get-ApplockerWinEvent -MaxEvents 2 -Oldest -LogName ExeAndDll -Credential (Get-Credential) -ComputerName myremotebox
        ProviderName: Microsoft-Windows-AppLocker
    TimeCreated Id LevelDisplayName Message
    ----------- -- ---------------- -------
    10/5/2017 7:33:43 AM 8002 Information %OSDRIVE%\USERS\dotps1\APPDATA\LOCAL\MICROSOFT\ONEDRIVE\ONEDRIVESTANDALONEUPDATER.EXE was prevented from running.
    10/5/2017 7:33:43 AM 8002 Information %PROGRAMFILES%\GIT\CMD\GIT.EXE was allowed to run.
    When running against a remote machine, and the results are: "No events were found that match the specified selection criteria.", you may just need to authenticate.
    Run the command and use the -Credential parameter.


        ValueFromPipeline = $true
    $Name = $env:COMPUTERNAME,

        "All", "Allowed", "Audit", "Blocked"
    $EventType = "All",

        "ExeAndDll", "MsiAndScript", "PackagedAppExecution", "PackagedAppDeployment"

    $Credential = [PSCredential]::Empty,



    $StartTime = [DateTime]::MinValue,

    $EndTime = [DateTime]::MaxValue

begin {
    $filterHashTable = @{
        ProviderName = "Microsoft-Windows-AppLocker"
        StartTime = $StartTime
        EndTime = $EndTime

    switch ($EventType) {
        "Allowed" {
                "Id", @(
                    8002, 8005, 8020, 8023

        "Audit" {
                "Id", @(
                    8003, 8006, 8021, 8024

        "Blocked" {
                "Id", @(
                    8004, 8007, 8022, 8025

    switch ($LogName) {
        "ExeAndDll" {
                "LogName", "Microsoft-Windows-AppLocker/EXE and DLL"

        "MsiAndScript" {
                "LogName", "Microsoft-Windows-AppLocker/MSI and Script"

        "PackagedAppExecution" {
                "LogName", "Microsoft-Windows-AppLocker/Packaged app-Execution"

        "PackagedAppDeployment" {
                "LogName", "Microsoft-Windows-AppLocker/Packaged app-Deployment"

process {
    foreach ($nameValue in $Name) {
        $getWinEventParameters = @{
            ComputerName = $nameValue
            Credential = $Credential
            FilterHashTable = $filterHashTable
            ErrorAction = "Stop"

        if ($MaxEvents -gt 0) {
                "MaxEvents", $MaxEvents

        if ($Oldest.IsPresent) {
                "Oldest", $Oldest

        try {
            $output = Get-WinEvent @getWinEventParameters

            Write-Output -InputObject $output
        } catch {