
.GUID 0f67a69a-b32f-4b56-a101-1394715d7fb5
.AUTHOR Michael Niehaus
.TAGS Windows AutoPilot
Version 2.0: Added -online parameter to look up app and policy details.
Version 1.0: Original published version.

Displays Windows Autopilot ESP tracking information from the current PC.
This script dumps out the Windows Autopilot ESP tracking information from the registry. This should work with Windows 10 1903 and later (earlier versions have not been validated).
This script will not work on ARM64 systems due to registry redirection from the use of x86 PowerShell.exe.
Look up the actual policy names via the Intune Graph API
.\Get-AutopilotESPStatus.ps1 -Online

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [Switch] $Online = $false

    # Configure constants
    $script:path = "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Autopilot\EnrollmentStatusTracking\ESPTrackingInfo\Diagnostics"
    $script:msiPath = "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\EnterpriseDesktopAppManagement"
    $script:officePath = "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\OfficeCSP"
    $script:statusCodes = @{"10" = "Initialized"; "20" = "Download In Progress"; "25" = "Pending Download Retry";
        "30" = "Download Failed"; "40" = "Download Completed"; "48" = "Pending User Session"; "50" = "Enforcement In Progress"; 
        "55" = "Pending Enforcement Retry"; "60" = "Enforcement Failed"; 70 = "Success / Enforcement Completed"}
    $script:espStatus = @{"1" = "Not Installed"; "2" = "Downloading / Installing"; "3" = "Success / Installed"; "4" = "Error / Failed"}
        $policyStatus = @{"0" = "Not Processed"; "1" = "Processed"}
    $script:sidecar = "093ea47b-ef2c-4f46-a022-6f57a50e39a2"

    # Functions

    Function ProcessApps() {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey] $currentKey,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $currentUser

    Begin {
        Write-Host "Apps:"

    Process {
        Write-Host " $($currentKey.PSChildName)"
        $currentKey.Property | % {
            if ($_.StartsWith("./Device/Vendor/MSFT/EnterpriseDesktopAppManagement/MSI/")) {
                $msiKey = [URI]::UnescapeDataString(($_.Split("/"))[6])
                $fullPath = "$msiPath\$currentUser\MSI\$msiKey"
                if (Test-Path $fullPath) {
                    $status = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $fullPath -Name Status
                    $status = "Not found"
                if ($msiKey -eq $sidecar)
                    $msiKey = "Intune Management Extensions ($($msiKey))"
                elseif ($Online) {
                    $found = $apps | ? {$_.ProductCode -contains $msiKey}
                    $msiKey = "$($found.DisplayName) ($($msiKey))"
                if ($status -eq 70) {
                    Write-Host " MSI $msiKey : $status ($($statusCodes[$status]))" -ForegroundColor Green
                else {
                    Write-Host " MSI $msiKey : $status ($($statusCodes[$status]))" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            elseif ($_.StartsWith("./Vendor/MSFT/Office/Installation/")) {
                $officeKey = [URI]::UnescapeDataString(($_.Split("/"))[5])
                $fullPath = "$officepath\$officeKey"
                if (Test-Path $fullPath) {
                    $status = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $fullPath -Name FinalStatus -ErrorAction Ignore
                    if ($status -eq $null)
                        $status = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $fullPath -Name Status -ErrorAction Ignore
                        if ($status -eq $null)
                            $status = "None"
                    $status = "Not found"
                if ($status -eq 70) {
                    Write-Host " Office $officeKey : $status ($($statusCodes[$status]))" -ForegroundColor Green
                else {
                    Write-Host " Office $officeKey : $status ($($statusCodes[$status]))" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                Write-Host " $_ : Unknown app"


    Function ProcessModernApps() {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey] $currentKey,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $currentUser

    Begin {
        Write-Host "Modern Apps:"

    Process {
        Write-Host " $($currentKey.PSChildName)"
        $currentKey.Property | % {
            $status = (Get-ItemPropertyValue -path $currentKey.PSPath -Name $_).ToString()
            if ($_.StartsWith("./User/Vendor/MSFT/EnterpriseModernAppManagement/AppManagement/")) {
                $appID = [URI]::UnescapeDataString(($_.Split("/"))[7])
                $type = "User UWP"
            elseif ($_.StartsWith("./Device/Vendor/MSFT/EnterpriseModernAppManagement/AppManagement/")) {
                $appID = [URI]::UnescapeDataString(($_.Split("/"))[7])
                $type = "Device UWP"
                $appID = $_
                $type = "Unknown UWP"
            if ($status -eq "1") {
                Write-Host " $type $appID : $status ($($policyStatus[$status]))" -ForegroundColor Green
            else {
                Write-Host " $type $appID : $status ($($policyStatus[$status]))" -ForegroundColor Yellow


    Function ProcessSidecar() {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey] $currentKey

    Begin {
        Write-Host "Sidecar apps:"

    Process {
        Write-Host " $($currentKey.PSChildName)"
        $currentKey.Property | % {
            $win32Key = [URI]::UnescapeDataString(($_.Split("/"))[9])
            $status = Get-ItemPropertyValue -path $currentKey.PSPath -Name $_
            if ($Online) {
                $found = $apps | ? {$win32Key -match $_.Id }
                $win32Key = "$($found.DisplayName) ($($win32Key))"
            if ($status -eq "3") {
                Write-Host " Win32 $win32Key : $status ($($espStatus[$status.ToString()]))" -ForegroundColor Green
            else {
                Write-Host " Win32 $win32Key : $status ($($espStatus[$status.ToString()]))" -ForegroundColor Yellow


    Function ProcessPolicies() {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey] $currentKey

    Begin {
        Write-Host "Policies:"

    Process {
        Write-Host " $($currentKey.PSChildName)"
        $currentKey.Property | % {
            $status = Get-ItemPropertyValue -path $currentKey.PSPath -Name $_
            Write-Host " Policy $_ : $status ($($policyStatus[$status.ToString()]))"


    Function ProcessCerts() {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey] $currentKey

    Begin {
        Write-Host "Certificates:"

    Process {
        Write-Host " $($currentKey.PSChildName)"
        $currentKey.Property | % {
            $certKey = [URI]::UnescapeDataString(($_.Split("/"))[6])
            $status = Get-ItemPropertyValue -path $currentKey.PSPath -Name $_
            if ($Online) {
                $found = $policies | ? { $certKey.Replace("_","-") -match $_.Id }
                $certKey = "$($found.DisplayName) ($($certKey))"
            if ($status -eq "1") {
                Write-Host " Cert $certKey : $status ($($policyStatus[$status.ToString()]))" -ForegroundColor Green
            else {
                Write-Host " Cert $certKey : $status ($($policyStatus[$status.ToString()]))" -ForegroundColor Yellow


    Function GetIntuneObjects() {
            [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $uri

        Process {

            Write-Verbose "GET $uri"
            try {
                $response = Invoke-MSGraphRequest -Url $uri -HttpMethod Get

                $objects = $response.value
                $objectsNextLink = $response."@odata.nextLink"
                while ($objectsNextLink -ne $null){
                    $response = (Invoke-MSGraphRequest -Url $devicesNextLink -HttpMethod Get)
                    $objectsNextLink = $response."@odata.nextLink"
                    $objects += $response.value

                return $objects
            catch {
                Write-Error $_.Exception
                return $null


    # Main code

    # Make sure the tracking path exists
    if (-not (Test-Path $path)) {
        Write-Host "ESP diagnostics info does not (yet) exist."
        exit 0

    # If online, make sure we are able to authenticate
    if ($Online) {

        # Make sure we can connect
        $module = Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Intune -PassThru -ErrorAction Ignore
        if (-not $module) {
            Write-Host "Installing module Microsoft.Graph.Intune"
            Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Intune -Force
        Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Intune
        $graph = Connect-MSGraph
        Write-Host "Connected to tenant $($graph.TenantId)"

        # Get a list of apps
        Write-Host "Getting list of apps"
        $script:apps = GetIntuneObjects("")

        # Get a list of policies (for certs)
        Write-Host "Getting list of policies"
        $script:policies = GetIntuneObjects("")
    # Process device ESP sessions
    Write-Host " "
    Write-Host "DEVICE:"
    Write-Host " "

    if (Test-Path "$path\ExpectedMSIAppPackages") {
        Get-ChildItem "$path\ExpectedMSIAppPackages" | ProcessApps -currentUser "S-0-0-00-0000000000-0000000000-000000000-000"
    if (Test-Path "$path\ExpectedModernAppPackages") {
        Get-ChildItem "$path\ExpectedModernAppPackages" | ProcessModernApps -currentUser "S-0-0-00-0000000000-0000000000-000000000-000"
    if (Test-Path "$path\Sidecar") {
        Get-ChildItem "$path\Sidecar" | ProcessSidecar
    if (Test-Path "$path\ExpectedPolicies") {
        Get-ChildItem "$path\ExpectedPolicies" | ProcessPolicies
    if (Test-Path "$path\ExpectedSCEPCerts") {
        Get-ChildItem "$path\ExpectedSCEPCerts" | ProcessCerts

    # Process user ESP sessions
    Get-ChildItem "$path" | ? { $_.PSChildName.StartsWith("S-") } | % {
        $userPath = $_.PSPath
        $userSid = $_.PSChildName
        Write-Host " "
        Write-Host "USER $($userSid):"
        Write-Host " "
        if (Test-Path "$userPath\ExpectedMSIAppPackages") {
            Get-ChildItem "$userPath\ExpectedMSIAppPackages" | ProcessApps -currentUser $userSid
        if (Test-Path "$userPath\ExpectedModernAppPackages") {
            Get-ChildItem "$userPath\ExpectedModernAppPackages" | ProcessModernApps -currentUser $userSid
        if (Test-Path "$userPath\Sidecar") {
            Get-ChildItem "$userPath\Sidecar" | ProcessSidecar 
        if (Test-Path "$userPath\ExpectedPolicies") {
            Get-ChildItem "$userPath\ExpectedPolicies" | ProcessPolicies
        if (Test-Path "$userPath\ExpectedSCEPCerts") {
            Get-ChildItem "$userPath\ExpectedSCEPCerts" | ProcessCerts
