
.GUID 12e32036-c18e-4bce-b74f-3270c8f216c3
.AUTHOR Rob Sewell
.COMPANYNAME Sewells Consulting
.COPYRIGHT Rob Sewell - please credit Rob Sewell - if used
.DESCRIPTION returns a database smo object of the size of the databases on an instance in Mb and enables top N if required
.TAGS SQL,Database, Size

function Get-DBADatabaseSize
   Gets the size of the databases on an instance in Mb
   returns a database smo object of the size of the databases on an instance in Mb and enables top N if required
   Get-DBADatabaseSize -Instance SERVER
   Returns the database names and sizes in Mb ordered by size for all of the databases on SERVER
   Get-DBADatabaseSize -Instance SERVER -Top 3
   Returns the database names and sizes in Mb ordered by size for the 3 largest databases on SERVER
   Get-DBADatabaseSize SERVER 3
   Returns the database names and sizes in Mb ordered by size for the 3 largest databases on SERVER
   Database object
   AUTHOR - Rob Sewell
   DATE - 30/10/2016

#Requires -Version 5
    ## The Name of the instance
    ## The number of results to show
    [void][reflection.assembly]::LoadWithPartialName( "Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo" );
    $srv = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server -ArgumentList $Instance
        $srv.databases.Where{$_.IsAccessible -eq $true} | Sort-Object -Descending size|Select-Object Name , Size
        $srv.databases.Where{$_.IsAccessible -eq $true} | Sort-Object -Descending size|Select-Object Name , Size -First $Top