
#region General
Function Get-IsAdmin
    $user = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
    If((New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal $user).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltinRole]::Administrator))

#region Build-DSCConfigurationFromRegistry
Function Replace-Properties
    $Property = $Property.tostring()  
    $Property = $Property.replace('HKLM:','HKEY_Local_Machine')
    $Property = $Property.replace('HKCU:','HKEY_Current_User')
    $Property = $Property.replace('MultiString','REG_MULTI_SZ')
    $Property = $Property.replace('ExpandString','REG_EXPAND_SZ')
    $Property = $Property.replace('String','REG_SZ')
    $Property = $Property.replace('Binary','REG-BINARY')
    $Property = $Property.replace('DWord','REG_DWORD')
    $Property = $Property.replace('QWord','REG_QWORD')

    Return $Property
} #end Function

Function Get-RegistryKeyPropertiesAndValues
    $array = @()
    (Get-ItemProperty "Registry::$path").PSObject.Properties | Where-Object {$_.Name -notlike 'PS*'} | Select-Object Name, Value | % {
        $Key = Replace-Properties -Property $path

        If ($_.Name -eq '(default)') 
            If (-not $IgnoreDefault)
                $ValueType = 'REG_SZ'
                $ValueData = (Get-Item "Registry::$path").GetValue("$($",$False, [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueOptions]::DoNotExpandEnvironmentNames)
                $Property = New-Object psobject -Property @{'Key' = $Key; 'ValueName' = $_.Name; 'ValueData' = $ValueData; 'ValueType' = $ValueType}
                $array += $Property
            $Type = (Get-Item "Registry::$path").GetValueKind($_.Name)
            $ValueType = Replace-Properties -Property $Type
            $ValueData = (Get-Item "Registry::$path").GetValue("$($",$False, [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueOptions]::DoNotExpandEnvironmentNames)
            $Property = New-Object psobject -Property @{'Key' = $Key; 'ValueName' = $_.Name; 'ValueData' = $ValueData; 'ValueType' = $ValueType}
            $array += $Property
    Return $array
} #end Function

Function Get-ValuesInRegKey

    Get-ChildItem $path | ForEach-Object {

        Get-RegistryKeyPropertiesAndValues -path $_

} #end Function

Function Get-ValuesInRegKeyRecurse

    Get-ChildItem $path -Recurse | ForEach-Object {

        Get-RegistryKeyPropertiesAndValues -path $_

} #end Function

Function Get-DSCConfigurationFromRegistry
            This function converts a registry key and its values to the DSC Registry Resource format. If you want, it does this recursively
            .PARAMETER RegPath
            Path to the registry key. E.g. HKLM:\SOFTWARE\SomeSoftware
            .PARAMETER ExportPath
            Path to the file where the converted data will be stored. The data will be appended to the file if the file already exists
            .PARAMETER ForceValueReplacement
            Adds 'Force = $True' for each value in the output so that DSC will replace the data of the value if the value already exists. For more information have a look at technet:
            .PARAMETER IgnoreDefault
            If parameter is set, the default values will be ignored and won't show up in you DSC registry configuration
            This function does not allow any input
            This function exports data to a file. No output on the console.

        [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})]


    #region Variables
    Set-Variable $IgnoreDefault -Scope Script

    $output = @()

    If ($Recurse) {$output += Get-ValuesInRegKeyRecurse -path $RegPath}
    If (-not $Recurse) {$output += Get-ValuesInRegKey -path $RegPath}

    If ($ForceValueReplacement)
        ForEach ($Item in $output) {
            $Config = @"
Registry $(Join-Path $Item.Key $Item.ValueName){
    Ensure = "Present"
    Key = "$($Item.Key)"
    ValueName = "$($Item.ValueName)"
    Force = `$True
    ValueData = "$($Item.ValueData)"
    ValueType = "$($Item.ValueType)"

                $Config >> $ExportPath
                Throw $_
            } #end Catch
        } #end ForEach
    } #end If

        ForEach ($Item in $output) {
            $Config = @"
Registry $(Join-Path $Item.Key $Item.ValueName){
    Ensure = "Present"
    Key = "$($Item.Key)"
    ValueName = "$($Item.ValueName)"
    ValueData = "$($Item.ValueData)"
    ValueType = "$($Item.ValueType)"

                $Config >> $ExportPath
                Throw $_
            } #end Catch
        } #end ForEach
    } #end Else

} #end Function


#region Get-DSCConfigurationFromWindowsFeature

Function Get-DSCConfigurationFromWindowsFeature 
            This function converts information of the windows features of the local system to the DSC WindowsFeature Resource format.
            .PARAMETER ExportPath
            Path to the file where the converted data will be stored. The data will be appended to the file if the file already exists
            .PARAMETER IncludeAllSubFeature
            Adds 'IncludeAllSubFeature = $True' for each value in the output. From Technet: Set this property to $true to ensure the state of all required subfeatures with the state of the feature you specify with the Name property
            .PARAMETER LogPath
            Indicates the path to a directory where you want the resource provider to log the operation. Each feature gets an own log file.
            .PARAMETER Credential
            Indicates the credentials to use to add or remove the role or feature
            This function does not allow any input
            This function exports data to a file. No output on the console.




    If (!(Get-IsAdmin)) {Throw 'You have to work with this function from an elevated powershell window'}

    If (!(Test-Path $LogPath)) 
            New-Item -Path $LogPath -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop
            Throw $_

    $dism = Dism.exe /Online /Get-Features /Format:List /english | Where-Object {$_}        

    $f = $dism[4..($dism.length-2)]
    $Features = for($i=0; $i -lt $f.length;$i+=2)
        $tmp = $f[$i],$f[$i+1] -replace '^([^:]+:\s)'
        New-Object PSObject -Property @{
            Name = $tmp[0]
            State = $tmp[1]

    foreach($item in $Name)
        $Features | Where-Object {$_.Name -like $item -AND $_.State -like $State}

    Foreach ($Feature in $Features)
        If ($Feature.State -eq 'Enabled') 
            $DSCState = 'Present'
        Else {$DSCState = 'Absent'}        

        $Config = @"
WindowsFeature $($Feature.Name)
    Name = "$($Feature.Name)"
    Ensure = "$DSCState"

        If ($IncludeAllSubFeature) {$Config += "`n IncludeAllSubFeature = `$True"}
        If ($LogPath) {$Config += "`n LogPath = $(Join-Path $LogPath $($Feature.Name))"}
            $Config >> $ExportPath
            Throw $_
        } #end Catch
    } #end ForEach
} #end Function

#region Get-DSCConfigurationFromServices
Function Get-DSCConfigurationFromServices
        This function converts the properties of a Windows service into the DSC service format
        .PARAMETER ExportPath
        Path to the file where the converted data will be stored. The data will be appended to the file if the file already exists
        This function does not allow any input
        This function exports data to a file. No output on the console.

$array = @()
Get-Service * | ForEach-Object {
$Service = $_
$Credential = $Null

$StartupType = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Property StartMode -Filter "Name='$($Service.Name)'").StartMode
If ($StartupType -eq 'Auto')
    $StartupType = 'Automatic'

$StartName = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Property StartName -Filter "Name=`"$($Service.Name)`"").StartName
Switch ($StartName) {
'LocalSystem' {$StartName = 'LocalSystem'; break}
'NT Authority\LocalService' {$StartName = 'LocalService'; break}
'NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService' {$StartName = 'NetworkService'; break}
default {$Credential = $StartName}

If ($Credential) {
$Config = @"
Service $($Service.Name)
    Name = "$($Service.Name)"
    Credential = "$Credential"
    StartupType = "$StartupType"
    State = "$($Service.Status)"

$Config = @"
Service $($Service.Name)
    Name = "$($Service.Name)"
    BuiltInAccount = "$StartName"
    StartupType = "$StartupType"
    State = "$($Service.Status)"

    $Config >> $ExportPath
    Throw $_



Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-DSCConfigurationFromRegistry
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-DSCConfigurationFromWindowsFeature
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-DSCConfigurationFromServices