
# Created by: lucas.cueff[at]
# v0.1 : initial release
# Released on: 03/2018
#'(c) 2018 - Distributed under Artistic Licence 2.0 ('

    simple PowerShell module to get all information regarding the way your endpoint is connected to internet
    multiple functions are used to retrieve all information regarding your external network access
    usefull on a unknown host to find how the external network access is working
    informations retrieved :
    - network status from network location awareness / network location manager
    - settings of NLA service
    - all settings (proxy mainly) set for each network connections
    - winhttp settings
    - internet settings
    - wpad settings
    C:\PS> import-module Get-InternetAccessInfo.psm1

function Get-NLAInfo {
    function used to retrieve Network Location Awareness information
    Network location awareness automates several network test (icmp, dns, http) to detect the current network environment (type, category, connectivity)
    .PARAMETER NetworkStatus
    -NetworkStatus string from the following list : 'AllNetworks','ConnectedNetworks','DisconnectedNetworks'
    type of network interface you want to check : all, only the connected ones, only the disconnected ones.
        TypeName : System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject
        Name MemberType Definition
        ---- ---------- ----------
        Equals Method bool Equals(System.Object obj)
        GetHashCode Method int GetHashCode()
        GetType Method type GetType()
        ToString Method string ToString()
        Domain Type NoteProperty string Domain Type=NLM_DOMAIN_TYPE_NON_DOMAIN_NETWORK
        Network Category NoteProperty string Network Category=NLM_NETWORK_CATEGORY_PUBLIC
        Network Connectivity NoteProperty Object[] Network Connectivity=System.Object[]
        Network Name NoteProperty string Network Name=XYZ
    Get all information from NLA for the connected network interfaces
    C:\PS> Get-NLAInfo -NetworkStatus ConnectedNetworks
    $NetworkListManager = [Activator]::CreateInstance([Type]::GetTypeFromCLSID('DCB00C01-570F-4A9B-8D69-199FDBA5723B'))
    $NetCategories = @{
    $DomainTypes = @{
    $NLMConnectivity = @{
    Switch ($NetworkStatus) {
        'AllNetworks' {$Networks = $NetworkListManager.GetNetworks($NLM_ENUM_NETWORK_ALL)}
        'ConnectedNetworks' {$Networks = $NetworkListManager.GetNetworks($NLM_ENUM_NETWORK_CONNECTED)}
        'DisconnectedNetworks' {$Networks = $NetworkListManager.GetNetworks($NLM_ENUM_NETWORK_DISCONNECTED)} 
    $AllNetworkObjects = @()
    foreach($Network in $Networks){
        $AllConnectivityStatus = @()
        foreach($Key in $NLMConnectivity.Keys){
            $KeyBand = $Key -band $Network.GetConnectivity()
            if($KeyBand -gt 0){
                $AllConnectivityStatus += $NLMConnectivity.Get_Item($KeyBand)
        $NetworkObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
            'Network Name' = $Network.GetName()
            'Domain Type' = $DomainTypes.Get_Item($Network.GetDomainType())
            'Network Category' =  $NetCategories.Get_Item($Network.GetCategory())
            'Network Connectivity' = $AllConnectivityStatus
        $AllNetworkObjects += $NetworkObject
    return $AllNetworkObjects

Function Get-WinHttpProxy {
    function used to retrieve proxy set for local machine web layer aka winhttp
    retrieve proxy set for local machine web layer aka winhttp
        TypeName : System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject
        Name MemberType Definition
        ---- ---------- ----------
        Equals Method bool Equals(System.Object obj)
        GetHashCode Method int GetHashCode()
        GetType Method type GetType()
        ToString Method string ToString()
        Winhttp proxy NoteProperty string Winhttp proxy=Direct Access
        Winhttp proxy bypass list NoteProperty string Winhttp proxy bypass list=(none)
    Get all information about winhttp proxy
    C:\PS> Get-WinHttpProxy
       try {
           $Conprx = (Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections" -Name WinHttpSettings).WinHttpSettings
       } catch {
            $Conprx = $null
       } finally {
            if ($Conprx) {
            $proxylength = $Conprx[12]            
                if ($proxylength -gt 0) {            
                    $proxy = -join ($Conprx[(12+3+1)..(12+3+1+$proxylength-1)] | ForEach-Object {([char]$_)})            
                    $bypasslength = $Conprx[(12+3+1+$proxylength)]            
                    if ($bypasslength -gt 0) {            
                        $bypasslist = -join ($Conprx[(12+3+1+$proxylength+3+1)..(12+3+1+$proxylength+3+1+$bypasslength)] | ForEach-Object {([char]$_)})            
                    } else {            
                        $bypasslist = '(none)'            
                    $result = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        "Winhttp proxy" = $proxy
                        "Winhttp proxy bypass list" = $bypasslist
                } else {                                
                    $result = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        "Winhttp proxy" = "Direct Access"
                        "Winhttp proxy bypass list" = "(none)"
            } else {
                $result = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    "Winhttp proxy" = "error - not able to read registry entry"
                    "Winhttp proxy bypass list" = "error - not able to read registry entry"
       return $result                  

Function Get-UserconnectionProxy {
    function used to retrieve proxy information for all network connection used by the current user context
    retrieve proxy information for all network connection used by the current user context
        TypeName : System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject
        Name MemberType Definition
        ---- ---------- ----------
        Equals Method bool Equals(System.Object obj)
        GetHashCode Method int GetHashCode()
        GetType Method type GetType()
        ToString Method string ToString()
        User proxy NoteProperty string User
        User proxy bypass list NoteProperty string User proxy bypass list=test;<local>)
        User proxy connection name NoteProperty string User proxy connection name=SavedLegacySettings
        User proxy PAC NoteProperty string User proxy PAC=
    Get all information about user connections
    C:\PS> Get-UserconnectionProxy
    try {
        $Conprx = Get-Item "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections"
    } catch {
        $Conprx = $null
    } finally {
        $results = @()
        if ($Conprx) {
                $ConRegValues = $Conprx.GetValueNames()
            foreach ($value in $ConRegValues) {
                $result = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    "User proxy connection name" = $value
                $tmpvalue = $Conprx.GetValue($value)
                $pacentr = $null
                for($i=0;$i -le $tmpvalue.length;$i++){
                    if (($tmpvalue[$i] -eq 36) -or ($tmpvalue[$i] -eq 41)) {
                        $pacentr = $i
                if ($pacentr) {        
                    $proxypac = -join ($tmpvalue[($pacentr+3+1)..($pacentr+3+1+$tmpvalue.length-1)] | ForEach-Object {([char]$_)})
                    $Result | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "User proxy PAC" -Value $proxypac                  
                } else {
                    $Result | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "User proxy PAC" -Value "none" 
                $proxylength = $tmpvalue[12]            
                if ($proxylength -gt 0) {            
                    $proxy = -join ($tmpvalue[(12+3+1)..(12+3+1+$proxylength-1)] | ForEach-Object {([char]$_)})            
                    $bypasslength = $tmpvalue[(12+3+1+$proxylength)]            
                    if ($bypasslength -gt 0) {            
                        $bypasslist = -join ($tmpvalue[(12+3+1+$proxylength+3+1)..(12+3+1+$proxylength+3+1+$bypasslength)] | ForEach-Object {([char]$_)})            
                    } else {            
                        $bypasslist = '(none)'            
                    $Result | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "User proxy" -Value $proxy
                    $Result | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "User proxy bypass list" -value $bypasslist                 
                } else {            
                    $Result | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "User proxy" -value "Direct Access"
                    $Result | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "User proxy bypass list" -value "(none)"      
                $results += $result
        } else {
            $result = [PSCustomObject]@{
                "User connection proxy" = "error - not able to read registry entry"
            $results += $result
    return $results

Function Get-NLAServiceInfo {
    function used to retrieve windows service paramareters for all NLA service
    function used to retrieve windows service paramareters for all NLA service :
    - DNS, HTTP endpoint used for test, IPV4 and IPV6 endpoint used for test
        TypeName : System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject
        Name MemberType Definition
        ---- ---------- ----------
        Equals Method bool Equals(System.Object obj)
        GetHashCode Method int GetHashCode()
        GetType Method type GetType()
        ToString Method string ToString()
        NLA Check Disabled By Policy NoteProperty bool NLA Check Disabled By Policy=False
        NLA Service Settings NoteProperty hashtable NLA Service Settings=System.Collections.Hashtable
    Get all information about NLA service parameters
    C:\PS> Get-NLAServiceInfo
    try {
        $NLASVCSettings = Get-Item "hklm:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NlaSvc\Parameters\Internet"
    } catch {
        $NLASVCSettings = $null
    } finally {
        if ($NLASVCSettings) {
            $SvcRegValues = $NLASVCSettings.GetValueNames()
        foreach ($value in $SvcRegValues) {
    try {
        $NLAPolicyKey = Get-Item "hklm:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\NetworkConnectivityStatusIndicator"
        $NLAPolicyIndicatorValue = $NLAPolicyKey.GetValue("EnableActiveProbing")
    } catch {
        $NLAPolicyKey = $null
    } Finally {
        if ($NLAPolicyIndicatorValue -eq 0) {
            $NLACheckDisabledByPolicy = $true
        } Else {
            $NLACheckDisabledByPolicy = $false
    $SettingsObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
        'NLA Service Settings' = $NLASettings
        'NLA Check Disabled By Policy' = $NLACheckDisabledByPolicy
    return $SettingsObject

Function Get-InternetAccessInfo {
    main function calling all other functions available in the module do build a global summary of all available information regarding the internet access of the computer/user
    main function calling all other functions available in the module do build a global summary of all available information regarding the internet access of the computer/user
        TypeName : System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject
        Name MemberType Definition
        ---- ---------- ----------
        Equals Method bool Equals(System.Object obj)
        GetHashCode Method int GetHashCode()
        GetType Method type GetType()
        ToString Method string ToString()
        Internet settings NoteProperty System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject Internet settings=@{User Proxy=False; Use...
        NLA NoteProperty Object[] NLA=System.Object[]
        NLA service NoteProperty System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject NLA service=@{NLA Service Settings=System...
        User connections NoteProperty Object[] User connections=System.Object[]
        Winhttp NoteProperty System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject Winhttp=@{Winhttp proxy=Direct Access; Wi...
    Get all information about current user/machine internet access
    C:\PS> Get-InternetAccessInfo

    $Result = [PSCustomObject]@{
        "NLA" = (Get-NLAInfo -NetworkStatus 'ConnectedNetworks')
        "NLA service"= Get-NLAServiceInfo
        "Winhttp" = Get-WinHttpProxy
        "User connections" = Get-UserconnectionProxy
        "Internet settings" = Get-UserInternetSettings
    return $Result

Function Get-UserInternetSettings {
    function used to get :
    - all information regarding your basic internet settings used by Internet Explorer/Edge or third party browser like Goole Chrome/Chromium
    - wpad settings
    function used to get :
    - all information regarding your basic internet settings used by Internet Explorer/Edge or third party browser like Goole Chrome/Chromium
    - wpad settings
        TypeName : System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject
        Name MemberType Definition
        ---- ---------- ----------
        Equals Method bool Equals(System.Object obj)
        GetHashCode Method int GetHashCode()
        GetType Method type GetType()
        ToString Method string ToString()
        Force Disable WPAD NoteProperty bool Force Disable WPAD=False
        User Proxy NoteProperty bool User Proxy=False
        User Proxy Autoconfig URL NoteProperty object User Proxy Autoconfig URL=null
        User Proxy HTTP1.1 NoteProperty bool User Proxy HTTP1.1=False
        User Proxy Migrate NoteProperty bool User Proxy Migrate=True
        User Proxy server NoteProperty string User Proxy
        User Proxy WPAD NoteProperty bool User Proxy WPAD=False
        WPAD Service Status NoteProperty ServiceControllerStatus WPAD Service Status=Running
    Get all information regarding your basic internet settings
    C:\PS> Get-UserInternetSettings

    try {
        $InternetSettings = Get-Item "hkcu:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings"
    } catch {
        $InternetSettings = $null
    } finally {
        if ($InternetSettings) {
            try {
                [bool]$booltmp = $InternetSettings.GetValue("ProxyEnable")
            } catch {
                $booltmp = $false
            } finally {
                $Results | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "User Proxy" -Value $booltmp
            try {
                [bool]$booltmp2 = $InternetSettings.GetValue("ProxyHTTP1.1")
            } catch {
                $booltmp2 = $false
            } finally {
                $Results | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "User Proxy HTTP1.1" -Value $booltmp2
            $Results | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "User Proxy server" -Value $InternetSettings.GetValue("ProxyServer")
            $Results | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "User Proxy Autoconfig URL" -Value $InternetSettings.GetValue("AutoConfigURL")
            try {
                [bool]$booltmp3 = $InternetSettings.GetValue("AutoDetect")
            } catch {
                $booltmp3 = $false
            } finally {
                $Results | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "User Proxy WPAD" -Value $booltmp3
            try {
                [bool]$booltmp4 = $InternetSettings.GetValue("MigrateProxy")
            } catch {
                $booltmp4 = $false
            } finally {
                $Results | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "User Proxy Migrate" -Value $booltmp4
    try {
        $WPADSettings = Get-Item "hkcu:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\WPAD"
    } catch {
        $WPADSettings = $null
    } finally {
        if ($WPADSettings.GetValue("WpadOverride")) {
            [bool]$booltmp5 = $WPADSettings.GetValue("WpadOverride")
            $Results | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Force Disable WPAD" -Value $booltmp5
        } Else {
            $Results | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Force Disable WPAD" -Value $false
    try {
        $WPADServiceStatus = (Get-Service WinHttpAutoProxySvc).status
    } catch {
        $WPADServiceStatus = $null
    } finally {
        If ($WPADServiceStatus) {
            $Results | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "WPAD Service Status" -Value $WPADServiceStatus
        } else {
            $Results | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "WPAD Service Status" -Value "N/A"
    return $results

Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-NLAInfo,Get-NLAServiceInfo,Get-UserconnectionProxy,Get-WinHttpProxy,Get-InternetAccessInfo,Get-UserInternetSettings