
.GUID 371649a1-3119-4ebd-a1a8-7150b132d18b
.AUTHOR Tiander Turpijn

 OMS Search API Azure Automation sample runbook using native PowerShell cmdlets
 $dynamicQuery - Enter your custom query here
 $StartDateAndTime - Provide your start date and time
 $EndDateAndTime - Provide your end date and time
 $AutomationCredentialAssetName - Provide the name for your Azure Active Directory account
 $ResourceGroupName - Provide the resource group name of your OMS workspace name
 $WorkSpaceName - Provide your workspace name

param (
    [string]$dynamicQuery = "* | Measure count() by Type",
    [string]$StartDateAndTime = "2016-03-10T18:20:58.8Z",
    [string]$EndDateAndTime = "2016-03-10T18:30:58.8Z"
#Get Azure Active Directory account with access to my Azure subscription
$AutomationCredentialAssetName = "YOUR_CREDENTIAL_HERE"
$Cred = Get-AutomationPSCredential -Name $AutomationCredentialAssetName

#Get Workspacename and resource group name
$WorkSpaceName =Get-AutomationVariable -Name 'WorkSpaceName'
$ResourceGroupName = Get-AutomationVariable -Name 'ResourceGroupName'

# Authenticate to Azure Resource Manager
Add-AzureRmAccount -Credential $Cred | out-null

#Execute a dynamic query and output the results
Write-Output ("Executing the following query: $dynamicQuery")

$result = Get-AzureRmOperationalInsightsSearchResults -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -WorkspaceName $WorkSpaceName `
 -Query $dynamicQuery -Start $StartDateAndTime -End $EndDateAndTime
Write-Output "Query results:"