
.GUID 89536fca-8990-49c0-86b4-8ebfeaa28095
.AUTHOR Barbara Forbes
.DESCRIPTION This Script Checks new PowerShell Core versions and installs them as needed
.TAGS Check PWSH Updates

This Script Checks new PowerShell Core versions and installs them as needed
The Script checks for the newest PowerShell-version in the Metadata provided by the PowerShell Github.
It compares it to the version installed on the computer.
If a newer version is available, it asks if it should be installed.
For installation, it uses a script provided in the Powershell GitHub
Switch to look for Powershell Core Preview instead of the regular version
. .\Get-PwshUpdates.ps1
Checks for new versions for both PowerShell Core and PowerShell Core Preview
Script used for install:
Script should be run from a different version of the shell than the one that's being updated
Script only works when a previous version of Powershell has been installed.
Functions are called beneath the script to use it in a scheduled task.
Created by Barbara Forbes

Function Show-Alert {
    param (
    $Alert = New-Object -comobject
    $Alert.popup($AlertText, 0, "PowershellCore Update", 32 + 4)

#This function is used to make mocking the version possible for the Pester tests.
Function Get-PSVersion {

Function Get-PwshUpdate {
    param (

    # Check the version, this script can't run from the same Powershell version as it would update.
    $PSVersionCheck = Get-PSVersion
    If ($PSVersionCheck -like "*-rc*" -or $PSVersionCheck -like "*Preview*") {
        if ($null -eq $Preview) {
        if ($null -ne $Preview) {
            Throw "The shell is running in PowerShell Core Preview while trying to install Preview. Please run script in PowerShell Core or Windows PowerShell."
    elseif ($PSVersionCheck -notlike "5*" -and $false -eq $Preview) {
        Throw "The shell is running in PowerShell Core while trying to install Core. Please run script in PowerShell Core Preview or Windows PowerShell."

    $PwshName = "PowerShell [0-9]-x"
    #Get the newest PWSHversion from the Powershell Github Metadata.
    $Metadata = Invoke-RestMethod

    # Change the tags so they are in the same format as the local version
    if ($Preview) {
        $PwshRelease = ($Metadata.PreviewReleaseTag -replace '^v') -replace '-preview'
        $PwshName = $PwshName -replace '-x', '-preview'
    else {
        $PwshRelease = $Metadata.ReleaseTag -replace '^v'

    # Get the local version
    $PwshCurrent = Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -match "$PwshName" } | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion

    #Compare and take action
    if ($null -eq $PwshCurrent) {
        $InstallUpdate = Show-Alert -AlertText "No active PowerShell Core (Preview) Installation found. Do you want to install it now?"
    else {
        #Create a popup if the current version and the newest version are not the same
        if ($PwshCurrent.DisplayVersion -notlike "$PwshRelease*") {
            $InstallUpdate = Show-Alert -AlertText "A new version of $($PwshCurrent.DisplayName) is available!! Update now?"
        else {
            Write-Output "$($PwshCurrent.DisplayName) : No Update needed"
    # Install the update if the popup is answered with yes
    if ($InstallUpdate -eq 6) {
        try {
            if ($Preview) {
                Invoke-Expression "& { $(Invoke-RestMethod } -UseMSI -Preview" -ErrorAction Stop
            Else {
                Invoke-Expression "& { $(Invoke-RestMethod } -UseMSI" -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            $Errormessage = $_
            $Alert.popup("Update has failed. $Errormessage", 0, "ALERT", 48)
    Else {
        Write-Output "Update canceled by user."

# The if-statement is so these commands don't run when the Pester test is called
if ($MyInvocation.InvocationName -ne '.') {
    Get-PwshUpdate -Preview