
.GUID 5ebeb3ec-36b0-4dad-a3e3-bbff1ffcbfd7
.AUTHOR Rob Sewell
.COMPANYNAME Sewells Consulting
.COPYRIGHT Rob Sewell - please credit Rob Sewell - if used
.DESCRIPTION Returns the Job Duration for an agent job on an instance
.TAGS SQL,SQL Agent Jobs, Duration

#Requires -Module sqlserver
Function Get-SQLAgentJobDuration
   Returns the Job Duration for an agent job on an instance or number of instances with the Job Names provided dynamically
   This function returns the Job Duration for an agent job on an instance or number of instances with the Job Names provided dynamically
   It can also output to CSV and prompt if youwould like to open the file
   Get-SQLAgentJobDuration -Instances SERVER -JobName 'Job must run quickly'
   This will return the servername. jobname, rundate and duration of the 'Job must run quickly' job on the Instance SERVER
   Get-SQLAgentJobDuration -Instances SERVER -JobName 'Job must run quickly' -CSV
   This will output the servername. jobname, rundate and duration of the 'Job must run quickly' job on the Instance SERVER into a CSV file
   located in the Users MyDocuments folder named JobName_Date_Time.csv
   Get-SQLAgentJobDuration -Instances SERVER -JobName 'Job must run quickly' -CSV -Path c:\temp
   This will output the servername. jobname, rundate and duration of the 'Job must run quickly' job on the Instance SERVER into a CSV file
   located in C:\Temp named JobName_Date_Time.csv
   AUTHOR - Rob Sewell
   DATE - 30/10/2016

#Requires -Version 5
#Requires -Module sqlserver
(# The Server/instance
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='The Instance', 
        # CSV required
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='Want to output to CSV')]
        # Path for CSV
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='Path for CSV')]
DynamicParam {
            # Set the dynamic parameters' name
            $ParameterName = 'JobName'
            # Create the dictionary
            $RuntimeParameterDictionary = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary

            # Create the collection of attributes
            $AttributeCollection = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
            # Create and set the parameters' attributes
            $ParameterAttribute = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
            $ParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $true
            $ParameterAttribute.Position = 1

            # Add the attributes to the attributes collection

            # Generate and set the ValidateSet
            $arrSet = (Get-SQLAgentJob -ServerInstance $Instances).Name
            $ValidateSetAttribute = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute -ArgumentList ($arrSet)

            # Add the ValidateSet to the attributes collection

            # Create and return the dynamic parameter
            $RuntimeParameter = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter -ArgumentList ($ParameterName, [string], $AttributeCollection)
            $RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add($ParameterName, $RuntimeParameter)
            return $RuntimeParameterDictionary

begin {
        # Bind the parameter to a friendly variable
        $JobName = $PsBoundParameters[$ParameterName]
        $FormattedDuration = @{Name = 'FormattedDuration';Expression = {[timespan]$_.RunDuration.ToString().PadLeft(6,'0').insert(4,':').insert(2,':')}}
Process {
$JObs = (Get-SQLAgentJobHistory -ServerInstance $Instances).Where{$_.JoBName -eq $JobName}
$Result = $Jobs.Where{$_.Stepid -eq 0} | Select Server, JobName,RunDate,$FormattedDuration 
End {
            $docs = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("mydocuments")   
            $Path = $Docs

        $Date = Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd_HHmmss
        $FilePath = $Path + '\' + $jobname + '_' + $Date + '.csv'
        $Result | Export-Csv -Path $FilePath -NoTypeInformation

        # Prompt to create and then create.
        $title = "Want to Open the file??" 
        $message = "Would you like to open the CSV file now? (Y/N)" 
        $yes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Yes", "Will continue" 
        $no = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&No", "Will exit" 
        $options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($yes, $no) 
        $result = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($title, $message, $options, 0) 
        if ($result -eq 1) 
            return "OK File is located at $FilePath"
            Invoke-Item -Path $FilePath