
.GUID 5a165df0-c30a-4147-b252-975dbd2a6b2d
.AUTHOR Rob Sewell
.DESCRIPTION This function will show the Instances and the Port Numbers on a SQL Server using WMI and the status of the relevant SQL Service and its start mode
.TAGS SQL, Instance, Port Numbers, Service Accounts

     Shows the Instances and the Port Numbers and SQL Service Status and Start mode on a SQL Server
    This function will show the Instances and the Port Numbers on a SQL Server using WMI and
    the status of the relevant SQL Service and its start mode
    The Server Name
    Get-SQLInstancesPort Fade2Black
    This will display the instances, their port numbers and SQL Service status adn start mode on the server Fade2Black
    AUTHOR: Rob Sewell
    DATE: 22/04/2015
          26/06/2016 - Added SQL Service information

function Get-SQLInstancesPort


$mc = new-object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Wmi.ManagedComputer $Server
$Instances = $mc.ServerInstances
foreach($Instance in $Instances)
    $port = @{Name ='Port'; Expression = {$_.ServerProtocols['Tcp'].IPAddresses['IPAll'].IPAddressProperties['TcpPort'].Value}}
    $Parent = @{Name = 'Parent'; Expression ={$_.Parent.Name}}
    $Name = $Instance.Name
    $Service = (Get-Service -DisplayName *`($Name`) )[0]
    $Status = @{Name = 'Status'; Expression = {$Service.Status}}
    $StartMode  = @{Name = 'StartMode'; Expression = {$Service.StartType}}
    $Instance |Select-Object $Parent,Name,$Port, $Status, $StartMode 