
    Module: GetDirectory.psm1
    Author: Dark-Coffee
    Version: 3.3
    Updated: 2020-10-19
    Description: dir, but it actually shows folder sizes! :O

function Get-Directory {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$Path = $PWD,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$SizeIn = 'MB'

    #Param Validation
    if('KB','MB','GB' -notcontains $SizeIn){Write-Error -Category InvalidArgument -Message 'SizeIn must be in: KB | MB | GB'}else{

    #Sort Sizes
    $SizeIn = $SizeIn.ToUpper()
    $SizeMeasure = "1$SizeIn"

    #Declare Expression
    $Size = @{n="Size ($SizeIn)";e={$_ | Get-ChildItem -Recurse | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum | ForEach-Object {[Math]::Round(($_ / $SizeMeasure),2)}}}
    $Size2 = @{n="Size ($SizeIn)";e={$_ | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum | ForEach-Object {[Math]::Round(($_ / $SizeMeasure),2)}}}

    #Directory Logic
    $Directories = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Directory
    $DirectoryOutput = Foreach($Directory in $Directories){$Directory | Select-Object Mode, LastWriteTime, $Size, Name | Sort-Object Name}

    #Item Logic
    $Files = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -File
    $FileOutput = Foreach($File in $Files){$File | Select-Object Mode, LastWriteTime, $Size, Name | Sort-Object Name}
    #Build Output
    $DirectoryListing = $DirectoryOutput,$FileOutput

    #Return Output

    Extends the Dir command to include folder sizes.

    Extends the Dir command to include folder sizes.
    Will provide the standard Dir output, with a modified size column.

    Specifies the path to run the command inside, else defaults to the current working directory.

    If specified (from KB,MB,GB) will display the folder size in that measurement.

    This module does not accept pipeline input.

    Standard output of Dir command, with a modified Size([unit]) column.

    PS> Get-Directory

    Mode LastWriteTime Size (MB) Name
    ---- ------------- --------- ----
    d---- 04/06/2020 19:44:45 35.64 Applications
    d---- 14/10/2020 20:29:38 0 Desktop
    d---- 14/10/2020 20:22:06 5181.69 Documents
    d---- 14/10/2020 20:12:51 163949.76 Downloads

    PS> Get-Directory -SizeIn GB

    Mode LastWriteTime Size (GB) Name
    ---- ------------- --------- ----
    d---- 04/06/2020 19:44:45 0.03 Applications
    d---- 14/10/2020 20:29:38 0 Desktop
    d---- 14/10/2020 20:22:06 5.06 Documents
    d---- 14/10/2020 20:12:51 160.11 Downloads

    PS> Get-Directory -Path 'E:\Steam'
    Mode LastWriteTime Size (MB) Name
    ---- ------------- --------- ----
    d----- 08/06/2020 18:02:51 273572.47 steamapps
    -a---- 10/09/2020 08:05:38 0.41 steam.dll



Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-Directory