
function Parse-GitIndexes($argIndexes, $lookIn = "workingDir") {
    if (-not (Validate-GitIndexes $argIndexes)) {

    $allFiles = switch($lookIn) {
        'workingDir' {$global:gitStatusNumbers.workingDir; break}
        'stagingArea' {$global:gitStatusNumbers.stagingArea; break}
    if ($allFiles.length -eq 1) {
        $allFiles = @($allFiles)

    if ([string]$argIndexes -match '^([0-9]+)(?: (\D+))?$' `
        -and ($Matches[0].Length -gt 1) `
        -and ($allFiles.length -lt 11 -or [int]$Matches[0] -ge $allFiles.length)
    ) {
        # Add by many 1 digit indexes (ex: 035 == 0, 3 and 5)
        $argIndexes = $Matches[1].ToCharArray()
        $commitMsg = $Matches[2]

    $indexes = @()
    for ($counter = 0; $counter -lt $argIndexes.Length; $counter++) {
        $arg = $argIndexes[$counter]
        $index = $null; # Initialization for [ref] usage below (CI complains otherwise)

        if ($arg -match '^\d+-\d+$') {
            # Add by range (ex: 3-5)
            $begin = ($arg -split '-')[0]
            $end = ($arg -split '-')[1]
            $indexes += $begin..$end

        } elseif ($arg[0] -eq '-' -or $arg[0] -eq '+') {
            # All before/after (ex: -3 or +5)
            $beginOrStart = [int]$arg.Substring(1)

            if ($arg[0] -eq '-') {
                # Add all before (ex: -3 == 0, 1, 2)
                $allBefore = $beginOrStart - 1
                $indexes += 0..$allBefore

            } else {
                # Add all after (ex: +3 == 4, 5, ...)
                $indexes += ($beginOrStart + 1)..($allFiles.length - 1)

        } elseif ([int32]::TryParse($arg, [ref]$index)) {
            # Add by index (ex: 3, 15)
            $indexes += $index

        } elseif ($argIndexes.Length -gt 1 -and $argIndexes.Length -eq $counter + 1) {
            # Last argument: commit message
            $commitMsg = $arg

        } else {
            Write-Host "Unparseable argument '$arg'" -ForegroundColor DarkMagenta

    $return = $indexes | ? {
        if ($_ -ge $allFiles.length) {
            Write-Host "$_ is outside of the boundaries of Git-NumberedStatus (Length: $($allFiles.length))" -ForegroundColor DarkMagenta
            return $false
        return $true
    } | % { $allFiles[$_] }

    if ($commitMsg) {
        if ($return -is [array]) {
            $return += $commitMsg
        } else {
            $return = $return,$commitMsg

    return $return

function Validate-GitIndexes($indexes) {
    if (-not $global:gitStatusNumbers.workingDir -and -not $global:gitStatusNumbers.stagingArea) {
        Write-Host "First run Git-NumberedStatus (gs)"
        Write-Host "Run Git-NumberedHelp (gnh) if you have no clue how to start"
        Write-Host "A tutorial:"
        return $false

    if ($indexes.length -eq 0 -or $indexes[0] -eq $null) {
        Write-Host "No arguments? Usage:"
        Write-Host "Add the first file: 'Git-NumberedAdd 0'"
        Write-Host "Add the first 3 files: 'Git-NumberedAdd 0 1 2' or 'Git-NumberedAdd 0-2' or 'Git-NumberedAdd -3' or 'Git-NumberedAdd 012'"
        Write-Host "Add all files starting from 2: 'Git-NumberedAdd +1'"
        Write-Host "Run Git-NumberedHelp (gnh) for a list of all functions"
        Write-Host "A tutorial:"
        return $false

    return $true