
# ATTN: This file is 2x the same code (assumeUnchanged & skipWorktree)

# `git update-index --assume-unchanged` the indexes passed as $args in the working directory
function Git-NumberedAssumed {
    $fileInfos = Parse-GitIndexes $args 'workingDir'
    if (-not $fileInfos) {

    $files = $fileInfos | % {$_.fullPath}
    git update-index --assume-unchanged $files

# To NoAssume we need to list the assumed files first

$global:assumedFiles = @()

# Displays all currently git assumed files with indexes to be used by Git-NumberedUnassumed
function Git-ListAssumed {
    $files = (git ls-files -v) | Where-Object { $_.StartsWith("h") } | % { $_.Substring(2) }
    $index = 0
    $files | % {
        Write-Host "$index $_"
        $global:assumedFiles += $_

# Git unassumes a single index passed as $args as displayed by Git-ListAssumed
function Git-NumberedUnassumed {
    $file = $global:assumedFiles[$args]
    if (-not $file) {
        Write-Host "Couldn't find hidden file with index $args"
    git update-index --no-assume-unchanged $file

# `git update-index --skip-worktree` the indexes passed as $args in the working directory
function Git-NumberedHidden {
    $fileInfos = Parse-GitIndexes $args 'workingDir'
    if (-not $fileInfos) {

    $files = $fileInfos | % {$_.fullPath}
    git update-index --skip-worktree $files

# To Unhide we need to list the hidden files first

$global:hiddenFiles = @()

# Displays all currently git skip worktree files with indexes to be used by Git-NumberedHidden
function Git-ListHidden {
    $files = (git ls-files -v) | Where-Object { $_.StartsWith("S") } | % { $_.Substring(2) }
    $index = 0
    $files | % {
        Write-Host "$index $_"
        $global:hiddenFiles += $_

# Git unhides a single index passed as $args as displayed by Git-ListHidden
function Git-NumberedUnhidden {
    $file = $global:hiddenFiles[$args]
    if (-not $file) {
        Write-Host "Couldn't find hidden file with index $args"
    git update-index --no-skip-worktree $file