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function Get-GitConfiguration
    Gets Git configuration.
    The `Get-GitConfiguration` function returns Git's configuration as `LibGit2Sharp.ConfigurationEntry` objects. When run outside a repository, it gets configuration from the user's and system's configuration files. When run from inside a repository, it also returns that repository's settings. The objects returned have the following properties:
    * `Key`: the key/name of the setting. This will be the section and name seperated by a dot, e.g. ``.
    * `Value`: the setting's value.
    * `Level`: a `LibGit2Sharp.ConfigurationLevel` enumeration value indicating at what level/scope the setting is defined. `Local` means its set in a repository's `.git\config` file. `Global` means its set in the user's `.gitconfig` file. `Xdg` means it set in the user's `.config\git\config` file. `System` means its set in the global `gitconfig` file. `ProgramData` means it is defined in Git's system-wide `Git\config` file in Windows' `ProgramData` directory.
    You can explicitly set the repository whose settings to get with the `RepoRoot` parameter. Settings at higher levels will also be returned.
    You can read configuration from a specific file by passing the file's path to the `Path` parameter. When reading from a specific file, settings at higher levels (e.g. global and system) are also returned.
    To return a specific configuration setting, pass its name to the `Name` parameter. If a setting with that name doesn't exist, nothing is returned. Sections and setting names should be seperated by periods, e.g. ``.
    Demonstrates how to get all Git configuration.
    Get-GitConfiguration -Path 'template.gitconfig'
    Demonstrates how to read configuration from a specific git config file. Settings at higher levels (global/user and system) are still returned.
    Get-GitConfiguration -Path 'template.gitconfig' | Where-Object { $_.Level -eq [LibGit2Sharp.ConfigurationLevel]::Local }
    Demonstrates how to read configuration from a specific git config file and filter out all settings that didn't come from that file.
    Get-GitConfiguration -Name ''
    Demonstrates how to get a specific setting.

        # The name of the configuration variable to get. By default all configuration settings are returned. The name should be the section and name seperated by a dot, e.g. ``.

        # The path to a specific file from which to read configuration. If this file doesn't exist, it is created.

        # The path to the repository whose configuration variables to get. Defaults to the repository the current directory is in.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -Session $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ByPath' )
        if( -not (Test-Path -Path $Path -PathType Leaf) )
            New-Item -Path $Path -ItemType 'File' -Force | Write-Verbose

        $Path = Resolve-Path -Path $Path | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'ProviderPath'

        $config = [LibGit2Sharp.Configuration]::BuildFrom($Path)
            if( -not $Name )
                return $config

            [Git.Automation.ConfigurationExtensions]::GetString( $config, $Name, 'Local' )

    $pathParam = @{}
    if( $RepoRoot )
        $pathParam['Path'] = $RepoRoot
    $value = $null
    $repo = Find-GitRepository @pathParam -Verify -ErrorAction Ignore
    if( $repo )
            if( -not $Name )
                return $repo.Config

            $value = [Git.Automation.ConfigurationExtensions]::GetString( $repo.Config, $Name )
    if( -not $value )
        $config = [LibGit2Sharp.Configuration]::BuildFrom([nullstring]::Value,[nullstring]::Value)
            if( -not $Name )
                return $config

            $value = [Git.Automation.ConfigurationExtensions]::GetString( $config, $Name )

    return $value