
        Create a new Git Repo on
        See Synopsis.
    .PARAMETER NewRepoLocalPath
    .PARAMETER NewRepoDescription
    .PARAMETER GitIgnoreContent
    .PARAMETER PublicOrPrivate
    .PARAMETER GitHubUserName
    .PARAMETER GitHubEmail
    .PARAMETER AuthMethod
    .PARAMETER ExistingSSHPrivateKeyPath
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
        # Launch PowerShell and...
        $NewRepoParams = @{
            GitHubUserName = "pldmgg"
            GitHubEmail = ""
            PersonalAccessToken = "2345678dsfghjk4567890"
            NewRepoLocalPath = "$HOME\Documents\GitRepos\MyProject"
            NewRepoDescription = "Does some really cool stuff"
            PublicOrPrivate = "Private"
        New-GitRepo @NewRepoParams

function New-GitRepo {
    Param (
        [string]$NewRepoLocalPath = $($(Get-Location).Path),




        [string]$GitHubUserName = "pldmgg",

        [string]$GitHubEmail = "",

        [string]$AuthMethod = "https",



    if (!$GitHubUserName) {
        $GitHubUserName = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter your GitHub Username"
    if (!$AuthMethod) {
        $AuthMethod = Read-Host -Prompt "Please select the Authentication Method you would like to use. [https/ssh]"

    if ($AuthMethod -eq "https") {
        if (!$PersonalAccessToken) {
            $PersonalAccessToken = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter the GitHub Personal Access Token you would like to use for https authentication." -AsSecureString

        # Convert SecureString to PlainText
        $PersonalAccessTokenPT = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($PersonalAccessToken))
    if ($AuthMethod -eq "ssh") {
        if (!$ExistingSSHPrivateKeyPath) {
            if (!$(Test-Path "$HOME\.ssh\github_rsa")) {
                $ExistingSSHPrivateKeyPath = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter the full path to your github_rsa ssh private key."
        if (!$(Test-Path $ExistingSSHPrivateKeyPath)) {
            Write-Error "Unable to find path to existing Private Key '$ExistingSSHPrivateKeyPath'! Halting!"
            $global:FunctionResult = "1"

    if ($env:GitCmdLineConfigured -ne "True" -or ![bool]$(Get-Command git -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
        $ConfigGitCmdLineSplatParams = @{
            GitHubUserName      = $GitHubUserName
            GitHubEmail         = $GitHubEmail
            AuthMethod          = $AuthMethod
        if ($AuthMethod -eq "https") {
        if ($AuthMethod -eq "ssh") {

        Configure-GitCmdLine @ConfigGitCmdLineSplatParams

    $NewRepoName = $NewRepoLocalPath | Split-Path -Leaf

    if ($AuthMethod -eq "https") {
        $Headers = @{
            Authorization = "token $PersonalAccessTokenPT"
        $PublicAndPrivateRepos = $(Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $Headers -Uri "").Name
        # Make Sure $NewRepoName is Unique
        $FinalNewRepoName = NewUniqueString -ArrayOfStrings $PublicAndPrivateRepos -PossibleNewUniqueString $NewRepoName
    if ($AuthMethod -eq "ssh") {

    if ($FinalNewRepoName -ne $NewRepoName) {
        Write-Warning "A repo with the Name '$NewRepoName' already exists! Final Repo Name will be '$FinalNewRepoName'"
        $ContinuePrompt = Read-Host -Prompt "Are you sure you want to create a new Git Repos with the name '$FinalNewRepoName'? [Yes\No]"
        while ($ContinuePrompt -notmatch "Yes|yes|Y|y|No|no|N|n") {
            Write-Host "'$ContinuePrompt' is not a valid option. Please enter 'Yes' or 'No'" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            $ContinuePrompt = Read-Host -Prompt "Are you sure you want to create a new Git Repos with the name '$FinalNewRepoName'? [Yes\No]"

        if ($ContinuePrompt -notmatch "Yes|yes|Y|y") {
            Write-Error "User chose not to proceed. Halting!"
            $global:FunctionResult = "1"

        $FinalNewRepoLocalPath = "$($NewRepoLocalPath | Split-Path -Parent)\$FinalNewRepoName"
    else {
        $FinalNewRepoLocalPath = $NewRepoLocalPath

    if (!$(Test-Path $FinalNewRepoLocalPath)) {
        $null = New-Item -Type Directory -Path $FinalNewRepoLocalPath -Force

    Push-Location $FinalNewRepoLocalPath

    $ReadMeDefaultContent = @"
[![Build status]($GitHubUserName/$FinalNewRepoName?branch=master&svg=true)]($GitHubUserName/sudo/branch/master)
# $FinalNewRepoName
## Getting Started
# One time setup
    # Download the repository
    # Unblock the zip
    # Extract the $FinalNewRepoName folder to a module path (e.g. `$env:USERPROFILE\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\)
# Or, with PowerShell 5 or later or PowerShellGet:
    Install-Module $FinalNewRepoName
# Import the module.
    Import-Module $FinalNewRepoName # Alternatively, Import-Module <PathToModuleFolder>
# Get commands in the module
    Get-Command -Module $FinalNewRepoName
# Get help
    Get-Help <$FinalNewRepoName Function> -Full
    Get-Help about_$FinalNewRepoName
## Examples
### Scenario 1
powershell code
## Notes
* PSGallery:

    Set-Content -Value $ReadMeDefaultContent -Path .\

    if ($GitIgnoreContent) {
        Set-Content -Value $GitIgnoreContent -Path .\.gitignore

    if ($AuthMethod -eq "https") {
        # More info on JSON Options:
        if ($PublicOrPrivate -eq "Public") {
            $PrivateBool = "false"
        else {
            $PrivateBool = "true"
        $jsonRequest = @(
            " `"name`": `"$FinalNewRepoName`","
            " `"description`": `"$NewRepoDescription`","
            " `"private`": `"$PrivateBool`""

        try {
            $JsonCompressed = $jsonRequest | ConvertFrom-Json -EA Stop | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -EA Stop
        catch {
            Write-Error $_
            $global:FunctionResult = "1"
        $NewRepoCreationResult = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" -Headers $Headers -Body $JsonCompressed -Method Post
        git init
        git add -A
        git commit -am "first commit"
        git remote add origin "$GitHubUserName/$FinalNewRepoName.git"
        git push -u origin master